Jane never practiced law, not even in her father’s Law Office after graduation. She lived a quite depressive one year after graduation, feeling like she is a failure. Then she started to remember her passion for photography/cinema and started to work with a friend who had a digital media production company. Luckily she was able to redesign her life after 4-5 years of struggle for choosing what she felt obliged to choose.
Kate just loved every second of her college life and education. She was so eager and enthusiastic in classes that at the end of the first year, one of her teachers arranged a part-time job for her at a well known designer. By the time she graduated, Kate had sufficient experience to start her own business and created her own brand. She had a big passion for design and fashion which fostered her creativity. Her dream of earning good money from what she loved to do became a reality.
Self Application
Finding and living our passion is not an easy task. However only we can design our lives to have more of activities giving us joy, love, and passion and less of guilt, fear, and obligation. Although it might not be realistic to suggest to eliminate obligations totally, it is definitely possible to increase the number of items that we do passionately step by step.
We ponder upon and take precautions against activities like smoking, unhealthy eating, pollution because we know they steal from our lives. What about what we steal from our own lives?
Below are a few questions we can ask ourselves to identify our passions:
Coaching Application
Purpose may point you in the right direction but it’s passion that propels you.– Travis McAshan
One of the greatest satisfaction for coaches is to see their clients becoming aware of their passions in life and actually incorporating it into their lives. As coaches we should support our clients to identify their passions through questions and tools to clarify their values, natural skills, and interests in life.
For obligations that need to continue to be part of clients’ lives, we should support the clients to either accept it as it is if there is no way to change it so that it no longer bothers them or drains their energy, or look for ways to turn it into a little bit more fun and interesting activity by small changes.
If you would like to become a coach, start by joining a free coach training course or speak to an enrolment consultant.