A Coaching Power Tool By Cyrus Erickson, Executive Leadership Coach, UNITED STATES
I Can vs. I Can’t Power Tool
Oftentimes, we are faced with a limiting belief that “I CAN’T” do something. This belief stems from various thoughts and feelings based on: insignificant resources, lack of training, excess workload, poor leadership, bureaucracy, and lack of information. Our mental state and capacity can play a factor in “I CAN’T.” Lastly, there are also accessibility issues that cause us to say or think “I CAN’T.”
Voicing out loud, or in your mind, “I CAN’T” immediately stops any forward action, possibilities, or creative thought. This belief creates immediate barriers or stoppage of work. This thinking also puts more emphasis on the negative aspects of a situation, problem, or challenge. Lastly, this belief is demoralizing, builds negative perceptions of yourself by others, and can impact your career.
Switching to “I CAN”, immediately opens doors and opportunities. By looking for workarounds, looking around the corners, standing in other people’s shoes, or trying something different, the possibilities blossom in many directions and magnitudes.
“I CAN” find 10 minutes in my busy day to practice self-care and meditate.
“I CAN” spend less time scrolling social media to invest in reading more.
“I CAN” take responsibility for the failed warehouse project which will empower me to focus on lessons learned and team development.
“I CAN” search for my new job while juggling my full-time work and family care.
“I CAN” talk to key stakeholders that can give me help in accomplishing the project plan.
“I CAN” seek resources to help me manage my hearing loss.
“I CAN” let go of negative emotions or beliefs that are not serving me – and focus on showing up with a more positive mindset and intention.
Shifting to “I CAN” builds on the powerful concept of empowerment which can result in growth, development, and, overall, well-being. In addition, the “I CAN” position opens you up to new adventures, recognition, and success.