When a mother gives birth it is an example of a labor of physicality as well as love. A hopeful mother does not become pregnant with the belief that birthing the child will be easy and pain-free. It is the lifelong process of caring for that child that they are intent on. This shows the faith the mother has that it will be worth all the pain. She is making a choice to focus on the positive aspects of having a child, rather than the pain of birth and the likely painful teenage years. Intention is everything to the Universe.
It is not important what your religious background is, what your beliefs are, what life experience you’ve had, or where you are at in your life now. We all have the ability, every second to tap into a different energy, if we so choose.
The circumstances come and go, but the experience is the constant. In other words, you make a choice at every moment that determines how you experience and react to every emotion and situation. It is not only seeing the play, but knowing what is going on backstage also. Letting go of old habits and beliefs that no longer serve you releases you from the ideas and feelings that are holding you back.
An affirmation you could say to yourself:
I let go of mediocrity. I let go of my resistance.
When you are done fighting change, then you can welcome it. You make it positive and are met with positive in return in the form of friendly, helpful people, right timing, excellent “luck” or “coincidence”. Get excited about what is now possible, because you let it be. Do something that sets your trajectory for the day. Wake up and exercise, pray, do yoga, or anything that aligns you with your own peace and happiness. Once you feel centered and lighter you can move through the rest of your day with a different perspective. This bit of morning relief starts your day off right and that vibration continues through the rest of your day. Things that could have bothered you more now seem much lighter and easier to bear.
An affirmation you could say to yourself:
I am available to the truth in all situations.
Live an intentional life. Engage in actions that are specific to the task at hand. Ask the question of the ethers,
What is the next step?
Make things happen, don’t let them happen to you. No longer playing a victim allows you to be a leader in everything. You have choices and those choices bring the same vibration they were created with.
Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors.
The implications of this research create a new awareness of how we can positively impact the earth and our personal health. The success of his books outside Japan has been remarkable. Dr. Emoto has been called to lecture around the world as a result and has conducted live experiments both in Japan and Europe as well as in the U.S. to show how indeed our thoughts, attitudes, and emotions as humans deeply impact the environment.
Set your intent! Make a decision to do or be something. Viruses vibrate in a low vibration. Anger, anxiety, and frustration are a host environment for illness. Higher vibration cannot hold viruses.
An affirmation you could say to yourself:
All is well. There will always be enough. I trust the Universe.
Live unafraid, with excitement about what you can CHOOSE to happen to you. Do things that promote the feeling of what it is that you desire as an outcome.
When you picture yourself failing before you even imagine the great possibilities, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. When you get something you were not prepared for you may lose it, even though it is what you wanted. This can be seen in dating, when people two people meet and one is just ending a relationship and the other one has been single for some time. There are different lessons learned in those timeframes. One is more ready than the other, assuming lessons were learned and things are moving forward.
Be available to a world that is much larger than the one you typically live in. Learn to manifest what you desire by having a high, fast vibration. Be grateful and forward looking. Universal law says that you attract what you focus on.
An affirmation you could say to yourself:
I surround myself with like-minded and positive people. The right people, places and situations will be attracted to the energy I put out.
Now ask yourself,
What would I really like to have and do?
Then start with one small step towards faith that all things are possible through you.