As coaches, we are responsible for raising client’s level of self awareness, supporting the client to focus on the positive, leverage on his learning and strengths to make balanced decisions and mindful action that help him move forward and live a more fulfilling live. (See below sections; “Questions For Reflections and “Self Help”).
Questions for Reflection
Reality (Current) :
Way Forward:
Self Help To Rise Above Circumstance?
i) Visual Aid
To serve as a constant reminder on the blessings one has.
ii) Visualize
Picture oneself succeeding in becoming what you aim to be, to build confidence and self-assurance. Not only is visualization effective, it also has a calming effect:
iii) Focus on what’s going well
Make a game to find something positive in every day. However, for everything going badly, there are probably dozens of things going well. Make list, and post it where it’s visible.
iv) Profit from the past and unpleasant experiences
Find and reflect on the good “what can I learn” from every unpleasant experience.
v) Symbolic band
Wear a wrist band and call it whatever that stimulate positive thinking and wear it as a reminder of what and who you’re becoming.
vi) Self acceptance and self love, improve body chemistry to better embrace calm
Accept yourself for who you are. Keep a good relation with yourself and love yourself. Make conscious effort to take deep breath, engage in healthy activities; take a walk or eat something healthy to elevate mood and alleviate stress, anxiety to react appropriately in those moments. Self-acceptance is the first step towards self-confidence. True happiness comes from within. As soon as you realize you can be happy whatever the circumstances you are free.
vii) Build self-esteem- replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
Identify those limiting or (self) sabotaging thoughts you can replace them with better, more positive, ones.
Robin S. Sharma, 2006, The Greatness Guide, Harper Element