A Coaching Power Tool created by Christine Tanaka
(Sales Coaching, UNITED STATES)
Just let it fly with a never ending supply!
Uses– Practicing discernment. Following your internal guidance system, following your intuition and saying yes to receiving more guidance and information.
Believe nothing , no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and common sense.
We all find ourselves in situations, jobs, and relationships where everything on the outside looks right and comes at the right time but something just does not quite feel right. How do we all deal with this feeling when it hits us? Why are the messages we receive often conflicting? My analogy is one is a learned response. We have painted a picture from our brain that may not even belong to us. I call this societal pressure, family obligation, ethnic or social identity, and lastly collective consciousness. This is all around us- the almighty question “ What do others want us to be?”. I refer to this as the lie… it could even be in disguise, but somehow it shows up as good old fashioned bs. BS awareness is in all of us. It is truly our internal guidance system and if you carefully and consciously listen to it you can distinctly hear it. You can also further develop this sense and if you practice it enough it get louder and clearer.
We have all heard this voice before. Somebody comes up to us and says nice to meet you and shows a little small talk and acts like they are interested in what you have to say. This is the comical side of the bullshit factor. As a sales professional, I would have to admit that I have been on both sides of the coin. You know you can hear that voice inside saying you have no interest in what I have to say the same as I have no interest in what you have to say. It’s the same feeling. Something here just does not belong.
This is also the stage where the brain takes over and gathers all of its information from limited experiences and makes judgments. It’s the rational brain saying “this is perfect” and “this is what I wanted”. This is also called the ego… this is my way.
This is the method and approach of mass marketing. This is also how we see and believe things, love, families, food, and jobs should be. It is bullshit and we know that it is because there is this uneasy feeling that we have inside of ourselves. We feel queasy or uncertain about our decision. Something in our gut or our heart is telling us that something is not right. Unfortunately, we as human beings override that uneasy and move forward anyway…..
Pay attention and listen to that feeling in your gut or in your heart. This is the archer, the human experience, the miracle. This is the path of the hero. We are truly equipped with a quiver full of arrows. We take the bow and arrow every day, and we find a target to shoot at. Hitting that target could be the first time we try, the bullseye! Congratulations if it is. For most of us it is a practice and a willingness to keep trying. Many times we get tired, lose faith, and settle for the consequences before hitting the bullseye. We may also operate out of a scarcity model where we feel we may run out of arrows. This is good enough. Is it? Will we always have that nagging feeling that we could have done more, shot another arrow, tried again to hit the mark? Do we even have faith that hitting the mark is possible? We only know by practice, we only know by failure, we only know by doing.
Ultimately, every human being needs to know that the arrows are infinitely abundant and you are the creator and the archer of your life. Pay attention to the voice off bs and let your arrows fly. You can and will hit the bullseye.