NOTES (*):*
Note 1 – “Building AWARENESS and RESPONSIBILITY is the essence of good coaching.”(…)
Awareness is knowing what is happening around you. Self – Awarenesss is knowing what you are experiencing. (…) Responsibility is also crucial for high performance. When we truly accept, chose, or take responsibility for our thoughts and our actions, our commitment to them rises and so does our performance.” Whitmore, John. Coaching for Performance, Fourth Edition. London, UK: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2009
* Note 2-
* Note 3 – There is a tradition moving back to Ancient Greek philosophy for counting courage or fortitude as one of the four cardinal virtues, along with prudence, justice, and temperance. (“Cardinal” in this sense means “pivotal”; it is one of the four cardinal virtues because to possess any virtue, a person must be able to sustain it in the face of difficulty.)
As a desirable quality, courage is discussed broadly in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, where its vice of shortage is cowardice and its vice of excess is recklessness. (
According to Paul Tillich, “Courage is an ethical reality, but it is rooted in the whole breadth of human existence and ultimately in the structure of being itself. It must be considered ontologically in order to be understood ethically.” (Paul Tillich, The Courage To Be. Yale University Press, 1952
* Note 4: The Emotion of Fear can be divided into two components, biochemical and emotional:
(1) The biochemical response to fear is universal to all of us, and happens when we are confronted by a perceived danger. Our bodies respond in specific ways which include sweating, increased heart rate and high adrenaline levels. This biochemical reaction is likely to be an evolutionary development and is an automatic response that was crucial to our survival centuries ago. This response is sometimes known as the fight or flight response, in which the body prepares itself to either enter a fight mode or run away.
(2) The emotional response to fear is highly individualized. Although the physical reaction is the same, fear may be viewed as either positive or negative by a child. We all know people in our lives who are considered “adrenaline junkies” thriving on extreme sports and other fear-inducing thrill situations. The repeated exposure to high risks situations leads to familiarity and it is called acclimation or adapting. This acclimation greatly reduces both the fear response and the resulting elation. This adjustment to high levels of stress leads adrenaline junkies to seek out ever new and bigger thrills. This can be a socially acceptable way to adapt to the fight response. Other people have a negative reaction to the feeling of fear, avoiding fear-inducing situations at all costs and this is an example of the flight response.
* Note 5 – Adapted from “The U.S. Army Leadership Field Manual”. The Center for Army Leadership, 2002. McGraw-Hill
* Note 6 – Adapted from “Small Unit Leadership”, 1983, Malone, Dandridge M.New York: Ballantine Books
* Note 7 –
Goleman, Daniel. Emotional Intelligence. New York, NY: Bantam Dell, 1994
Hargrove, Robert. Masterful Coaching, Revised Edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 2003
Malone, Dandridge M. Small Unit Leadership, New York: Ballantine Books, 2003
Mckay, Matthew and Fanning, Patrick. Self-Esteem. Third Edition. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2000
Preston, David Lawrence. 365 Steps to Self-Confidence, Fourth Edition. Begbroke, Oxford, United Kingdom: How To Books Ltd., 2010
The Center for Army Leadership. The U.S. Army Leadership Field Manual. McGraw-Hill, 2004
Whitmore, John. Coaching for Performance, Fourth Edition. London, UK: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2009
USAID After-Action Review Technical Guidance, 2006