Coaching Application : Facilitating mindset of change from Conforming to Choosing
Client expresses a feeling of disempowerment..realises is not getting desires results..wanting to change behaviour from conforming to choosing.
When in transition, client may loose sight of their capacity for success. In the state of flux, client may experience disempowerment, obstacles, mixed emotions. Coach facilitates conversation with client to reflect on exceptions to the ambiguity being experienced and internal, external resources available for client to sustain change and make choices.
The Coach creates safety and trust with client, building rapport by providing them space for self discovery to focus on their GIFTS.
With a sense of inner power and authenticity, client celebrates the journey from conforming to choosing consciously.
Generate Goals (G):
Probing client through questions to enable setting real, meaningful and relevant goals ..important to acknowledge that client is in state of readiness to change and make choices willingly..
- What is the current state?
- What is happening?
- What impact is this having on you?
- What would you like to see happen here?
- What would your ideal state look like?
- What are your goals?
- What would you like to accomplish?
What measures of success can you think of to enable this change?
Introspect (I) : (Ideas,Resources and Obstacles)
Focusing to narrow the conversation for client to identify habits, patterns, behaviours to change by ‘looking within’ to make conscious choices from WE to ME
- Why is this change important?
- How are you feeling about making choices?
- What are the consequences if the situation does not change?
- How does this influence your goals and what you are trying to accomplish?
- What could you change about you that would change your current state to desired state?
- What can come in the way from making this change happen?
- What resources do you need to make your choices?
- How does this choice impact your position?
Formulate Options (F) :
Provide the client a safe space for silent reflection to new ways of thinking
- How have you dealt with a similar situation before?
- What could you do differently?
- What might be some approaches you can take?
- If the obstacle were removed ,what could you do then?
- If you had access to unlimited resources that determine your success what would you do?
- As you pause and reflect, what comes up for you as options?
- What else?
- How do you feel about exploring these options?
- In what way do these options enhance your choice?
- Any options that may work better with your new learning gained?
Coach opens up the space for the client to go within and discover their GIFTS that give them confidence and create the state of readiness to move forward.