Working on ourselves makes us exceptional, however, it is sometimes easier to live a mediocre life taking on someone else’s identity instead of finding
our own. A definite plan must be developed expressed in continuous action.
The individual must have a mind change and put structures in place to bring this goal of living an exceptional life to fruition.
Exceptional people are action oriented and have presence. They are continuously improving themselves. They think of the best, work only for the best, and expect the best. To become exceptional the individual must first reflect on where they want to be in life, what is their purpose in life, their values and underlying belief. They must find out their philosophy and personal mission statement. They must be persistent in finding out their purpose as this undergirds everything, it determines what decision you make and what people you associate with. It beckons us to a place of worthiness where we know for sure we have something great to give to the
As George Bernard Shaw said “The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want and if they don’t find them, make them.”
People who live average lives are sorry for themselves, they often times blame the Government, their parents or some outside force for their mediocre life. They focus on who they have become instead of who they are becoming. As Charles Spurgeon so aptly puts it
Be aware of no one more than yourself; we carry our worst enemies within us.
Coaching Application
An Average Mindset
I grew up in a household where persons who I looked up to had an average mindset and oftentimes spoke negatively about things that presented a
This was not intentionally done as they meant the best for me but in my adult life I had a tendency to shrink and stay in the background as my negative thoughts about undertaking a challenge or being in the leadership seat were so prevalent they overpowered the positive ones. I realized that I was also afraid of rejection and in an attempt to hide this from people on my job I dressed professionally, spoke eloquently and had great eye contact.
I had developed an average mindset and wanted to stay in my comfort zone. When we are not aware of negative underlying beliefs we do not develop exceptional behaviours that move us towards a successful life.
An Exceptional Mindset
Successful people understand that failure or losing is a part of the process of winning, hence, they are early adapters taking advantage of new opportunity before others realize its potential. Exceptional people WANT to develop, achieve and excel. They do what the majority are unwilling to do. They realize that people who play it safe continually miss opportunities and seldom make progress.
In order to lead an authentic life you have to be aware of the beliefs that are holding you back and work on your self development. I transformed my life, my organization and will multiply my positive influence in the world ‘through Executive/Leadership Coaching.
Eckhart Tolle. A New Earth: Awakening to your Life’s Purpose. Penguin, 2008
T.D. Jakes. Loose That Man and Let Him Go (Tulsa: Albury Press 1995) 95.
James Stovel. Success Secrets Of Super Achievers (Tulsa: Narrative Television Network, 2001) 153