A vision can also be termed as “a go to state” and it reminds you of what you are trying to build for the future. It sets a direction for yourself and imagines the future state capturing your inherent passion.
A vision is also often connected to one’s inner values and beliefs. It emanates from a deep sense of confidence & self-belief, which creates a drive for action. In other words, a vision provides a destination to reach to; provides a high level direction but does not provide a detailed route map.
Unlike a dream, a vision is often spoken about, repeated, reinforced to keep it alive and constantly remind oneself of the same. Hence, it is mostly written down and shared widely.
Ultimately, having a vision is about knowing the goals you wish to achieve and willing to make the difficult choices enroute to achieve that goal. Hence, vision is all about “action, action & more action”, which makes it a dynamic state, in one’s mind.
How passionately you felt about those dreams?
While you think of all these questions, do also take a moment to think about the following questions:
A vision
Coaching Application: Dream Vs. Vision
From a coaching perspective, the role of the coach is to enable to client to move forward from his current state. The client also has the intent to move from the current state to a new or better state in his mind. Now the question is how does the client or coaches know that they are moving from “state A” to say “state B”?