How to Recognize the Need for Change
When you notice a recurring cycle in your life, it may indicate that you are falling into a rut that needs to be re-formed elsewhere. Perhaps you are living a joyless existence, just going from day to day without any feeling of purpose, peace or serenity. Or it might be that you are dissatisfied with certain parts of your life and you feel like you need to overcome obstacles that have held you back. Most of us can look back at changes we have made in our lives and realize that our intuition about our circumstances were generally correct. Deep down, most of us can agree that we know when we need to change.
How to Prepare for Change
To prepare yourself for the process of change, it is helpful if you can operate with an open mindset. This will allow you to make connections rather than be in a defensive mode. It is counterproductive to be tough on yourself, so self-care is important during times of change and transition. Patience can also serve you well during this time.
How to Nurture Change.
Once change has occurred, it is all too easy to slip back into our old patterns, like a wheel being pulled into a rut. Change and growth will need to be nurtured to create new, more beneficial ruts.
Staying focused on your strengths will be useful. Remember that it is progress and not perfection when trying to make meaningful, long term transformations. It is also important to find and put in place the supports that will work for you.
- Identify one aspect of your life that you feel is in need of change.
- What are three ways that you can care for yourself to prepare for the change process?
- What supports do you need to keep you on track?
Coaching Application
If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. Lao Tzu
Change and Our Clients
As a coach, you may be able to draw on your personal experiences of change in your life. You can understand the difficulties and be empathetic. You can also rely on your intuition to determine how to approach the client and what types of questions and feedback may be most effective.
Being nonjudgmental about our client’s struggles will be critical as we support them in their journey. The client needs a space where they can be vulnerable without fear of being judged, so we must create a trusting relationship where the client can feel safe.
When a client requests support from a coach in transforming their life, the coach must be prepared to listen at the deepest level, challenge the client and provide feedback. These actions result in the client making powerful connections that lead to the changes that will be made. It is also important, as a coach, to understand that making no change is also a choice and to respect a client’s wishes to stagnate.
- How can you create a trusting space with your client?
- How can you work with a client that is too fearful to change?
- What can you do to support a client that doesn’t wish to change at this time?