Morning/Day/Night Gauge
Over the next 7 days, sometime during those 3 general time frames, honestly ask yourself and answer this question, without reflecting on it: At this moment, is my attitude toward myself affirming or critical? The purpose of this exercise is simply to identify the current personal attitude pattern in your life.
Morning/Day/Night Gauge At this moment, is my attitude toward myself affirming or critical? |
Day # |
Morning |
Day |
Night |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Journaling Exercise
Now over the next 7 days, pick just one event or happening during each day. Answer this question, When I think about this one event or happening my first attitude toward myself affirming or critical? Use the back of the index card above. In addition, take 2-3 minutes to write a paragraph reflecting on your reasons for feeling positive or negative. The purpose is not to judge yourself, but to give you greater understanding as to why you feel affirming or critical about yourself in relation to this event or happening.
You may want to do this over the course of one month to determine your pattern of affirmation or criticism toward yourself. This may provide the basis for further decisions and work towards changing from critical to affirming.
Personal History of Affirmation or Criticism
Take some time this week and write down, using one paragraph each, 3 significant times in your life when you felt affirmed or criticized as a person. Reflect on whether you came away from those times empowered to take on your next life challenge or not.
Hearing Affirmation
Over the next 2 weeks ask 10 people (family, friends, co-workers, fellow students) to write a 2-3 sentence affirmation of you. Let them choose what aspect of you they want to speak to. Give them one week to complete it. Ask them to type or write it legibly, as you will be reading them to yourself daily as a way of affirming yourself. Once you have collected them, begin reading them to yourself daily for 90 days. Read them aloud with positive emotion and energy. The only rule is that if you miss a day you have to start the 90 days over.
Endless List Of Winners
Begin writing a list of all the decisions you have made in your life that you would consider good decisions. Explanation or detail is not important here, just list them. These are decisions and choices you have made that have been largely beneficial to you or others. Keep adding to the list indefinitely.
Trust Exercises
Choose an area in life you want to move forward in. Create a plan to follow. As you work your plan, make note of your wins. As you tackle challenges or difficulties intentionally choose to take an affirming, positive perspective and attitude toward yourself and your wins. You may want to think through that choice in writing.
Changing My Attitude
At the end of each day write about an event affirming the part you played in that event.