6. Coaching application
Throughout the journey the following competencies are crucial for the success of the coaching application and outcome. The list serves as an example and is not exhausted. It is imperative to state that though the coach is a Christian and the model is based on Christian values, it remains the coach’s perspective and it is not the coach’s role or desire to impose this on the client in any way.
6.1 Acknowledgement / empowerment / recognition
It propels the client forward, creating more movement. We all accept that all people are like us; therefore as D Clifton states we do not identify our own talents. Through acknowledging another’s’ talent the coach through feedback and observation highlight the clients strengths and create recognition within them and reduce blind spots the client may have. This liberates the client as they grow their sense of self-worth based on their knowledge of their unique combination of strengths; talents that they need to fulfill their life purpose. Through powerful questioning the client can align their needs and desires with their packaging. The client becomes informed about their life decisions or aware of a season within which they cannot make a decision on an aspect. This brings about clarity with the client why they may experience certain emotions, frustrations, etc. They are quipped to evaluate when the right season will be to act.
6.2 Assist the client to create intention
The coach assists the client to unlock the “truth” within the client. To unveil or maybe even confront the way they may look at themselves and life, or challenges. This may entail changing perspectives and or mindset, transformations, altered frame of reference. This area speaks to the “unknown” area of the Johari Window as the client opens his or her hidden area of potential and infinite possibility up to him or herself for evaluation. This is an opportunity to acknowledge blind spots that may have a negative and or positive effect in their life that they may not be aware of. The coaching journey is supported by the belief that “There is nothing wrong with ME”. Looking into intent offers opportunity to peel away fear and motivate the client to move forward, through powerful questioning, pauses, clarification and visualization amongst others. Questioning helps the client soundboard his or her life position out loud and be able to analyze it. The coach assists the client to do introspection and investigate aspects the coach may have observed that may influence the client’s personal and or professional circumstance.
6.3 Coach listens
The coach actively listens on three levels, for emotion, information and context. Many times a client may play out a matter directly related to his or her success of failure, however not be aware thereof. It may become from an observer point of view, such as the coaches role. The coach listens out for limiting beliefs, perspectives and mind talk amongst others and poses questions to the client as to the observations relates to the client and the possible influence and impact thereof on his or her life circumstance. Listening for emotion often reveals an area in a client’s life that he or she is not ready to talk about, however it may be the critical influencing factor in the outcome of their life choices. It is up to the coach to assist the client in this regard by offering awareness of these areas through their feedback and then let the client lead the process when they are good and ready to address the matter.
6.4 In clarifying it also serves as a reflection moment.
As coaches we clarify what we heard and play it out loud to the client. The may realize a blind area through reflecting on what and how they said something. This is critical step to assist the client to take responsibility and ownership of their circumstance.
6.5 Assists the client to move.
Support the client and check with the client if he or she is good for the next step. To draw from the last step any insight, energy and growth they have experienced as a person.
6.6 To empower the client
It is critical to assist the client to grow aware of their personal path of development, own their success, identify their strengths and have insight in how they were responsible to bring this about. Important for the client to realize how he or she for example changes a perspective and the lightness that accompanied their action. This empowers them with a sense of self awareness of how to duplicate their successful behavior in another context or role.
6.7 Responsibility
Even though the model is based on a Christian perspective the coaching journey is open to anybody that wishes to embrace the journey. The coaches role is to leave the interpretation of the model and journey to the client relevant to their personal development level, needs, desires, perspectives (be it religious or not) and beliefs. The coach uses the model as a structured tool to guide the journey and give direction to the role out of the journey path, and is in no way intended to prescribe any perspective or belief of whatever nature to the client. It is not the role or function of the coach to prescribe any life position or perspective to the client at any point. The model serves in this regard as a sounding board to give structure to the coaching interaction that serves as a platform for discussion between coach and client. It is entirely up to the client as to what they deem to be behaviorally intelligent behavior to achieve their goal and against which perspective they want to measure that. This is a prerequisite to ensure that the client takes responsibility and ownership of their own outcomes. This empowers them to sustain their growth and development beyond the borders of the coaching journey.