A Coaching Model Created by Tracey Tischler
(Health and Wellness Coach, UNITED STATES)
M. O. V. E.
LIFE COACHING is a practice that helps people identify and achieve personal goals. As a Life Coach, I will help you set and reach goals using a variety of tools and techniques.
My coaching niche is Health and Wellness. The acronym M.O.V.E. stands for Meaning, Observation, Validation and Evolution and we will go through each of these in our coaching sessions to help you reach your fitness goals. You will be given tools that apply not only to your fitness goals but also help reach your goals beyond fitness.
MEANING: What is your purpose and meaning and what are your Core Values and underlying beliefs for yourself? What do you see your future like and what are we going to do to get you there?
OBSERVATION: We will observe your patterns and habits and we will work on reframing those that don’t serve your purpose anymore and are holding you back. We do this so you can move forward with a healthy view of yourself and those around you.
VALIDATION: We will talk about the validation of your feelings, what you want for your future and your goals. We will work on understanding how feelings are valid but sometimes need work in reframing from a negative light into a positive light.
EVOLUTION: Life Coaching helps you evolve to a higher level of self-awareness therefore evolving to allow you to see feelings and situations in a new, different and positive light.
Through your Life Coaching sessions and going through each phase above, you will start creating the positive changes that you long to be present in your life. Life Coaching will not only allow you to direct your life by allowing you the freedom to challenge your perceptions, beliefs, thoughts, and actions, but it will also help you truly define what your life means to you.
Let’s get started!
F. I. T. I. N.
LIFE COACHING is a practice that helps people identify and achieve personal goals. As a Life
Coach, I will help you set and reach goals using a variety of tools and techniques.
My coaching niche is Health and Wellness. The acronym F. I. T. – I. N. stands for Feeling, Introspection, Transformation, Innovation and Newness. We will go through each of these in our coaching sessions to help you reach your fitness goals. You will be given tools that apply not only to your fitness goals but also to help reach your goals beyond fitness.
FEELING: In our sessions we will talk about feelings and the validation of those feelings. We will work on reframing those feelings that you feel are holding you back into a positive light.
INTROSPECTION: Working on looking inward and creating self-awareness is part of the process of
Life Coaching sessions. Self awareness helps to move forward to the life you want.
TRANSFORMATION: Transformation from current circumstances to creating action and setting goals to move forward.
INNOVATION: Through our Life Coaching sessions, we will come up with innovative ideas on what works best for your learning style that will help you reach your goals (i.e, visualization techniques, written exercises, etc.).
NEWNESS: Our Life Coaching sessions will help you create a new perspective on your situations and feelings to reach your goals and have a new positive attitude how you move toward those goals. Through your Life Coaching sessions and going through each phase above, you will start creating the positive changes that you long to be present in your life. Life Coaching will not only allow you to direct your life by allowing you the freedom to challenge your perceptions, beliefs, thoughts, and actions, but it will also help you truly define what your life means to you.