A Coaching Model Created by Tom Seaman
(Health and Wellness Coach, UNITED STATES)
The SIFT model is a process by which clients become more aware of their personal truth by exploring underly- ing beliefs that have created their current thoughts and behaviors. As clients become more self aware, they are better able to identify how those thoughts and behaviors are of benefit or detriment. The SIFT model helps cli- ents tap into their authentic self so they can live a more authentic, meaningful, happy life.
Start with an IdeaA client presents ideas for what they truly want and which direction they want to move from this very moment.
Identify the truthClients “sift” through what is going on in their life to determine what significant things come into awareness after clearing away the debris (extraneous mind clutter). They identify and define underlying beliefs and how they affect their cur- rent reality, and what is clouding their view and preventing them from getting what they want. Dur- ing this stage, a great deal of self awareness and discovery takes place. |
Find alternatives and explore new optionsClients use their increased self awareness to identify the “gold nuggets” in their life. Dur- ing this stage they are better able to decide what they want to do differently and what they are willing to do differently.
Take ActionAfter identifying the direction they would like to move towards meeting their desired goals, clients are more focused on how to put their plans into action. They build on each step so they are able to continue making choices that are in line with their core values. |
Just like SIFTing through dirt and sand looking for gold, when clients clear away the debris that is clouding their thinking, their core values (gold nuggets) rise to the surface. These gold nuggets give the client clarity to focus on what is most important to them so they are ready to take purposeful action. Often, if we do not SIFT through life’s distractions, we are unable to see what is most important to us and what will make us happy.
Throughout the SIFTing process, clients often find more below the surface than they were aware, all of which serves as a wall in front of what they want. When we SIFT through what we are thinking and doing now and how it may or may not be working to serve our best needs, clients are more equipped to take action. At this point, clients have created new ways of thinking to help make a shift from their current path.
The SIFTing process evolves over a lifetime and continually puts clients on a path that leads them towards their goals and aspirations so they can have more happiness, peace, joy, harmony and fulfillment in their lives.
Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. Michelangelo