A Coaching Model Created by Shuchi Sahai
(Transformational Coach, INDIA)
The only thing constant in life is change― François La Rochefoucauld
Since both internal and external changes are constants, it is both empowering and freeing to embrace the process with self-awareness to enable oneself to make choices accordingly. Self-awareness is the foundation upon which life-affirming paths are undertaken.
The Iceberg Coaching Model addresses how a person represents themselves in the world (exposed part of the iceberg) and what their motivations are (unseen, submerged part of the iceberg).
Self-awareness, intent and consequent choices are cornerstones of this model.
Self-awareness is in green for it comes from the client’s unconditional acceptance of what is and the validation of their personal/professional journey so far, without judgement or prejudice. Self-awareness is not an endeavour to be pursued but a tool to be used while moving through stages of empowerment and freedom towards finally making potential-worthy choices with the support of the coaching relationship.
Intent is in orange for it represents a person’s sense of self, from which emerges their intent for an endeavour they would likely undertake. It is the most powerful catalyst of change that a person has at their disposal. The intent of the client encloses the whole coaching process.
Empowerment is in red for it represents the client’s intent to move forward with passion and dynamism. It is a place of functioning through one’s personal power in alignment with their core values. Empowerment is about taking responsibility for the quality of one’s life, doing justice to all personal and professional roles they have undertaken and creating circumstances that allow them to express their empowered self accurately and appropriately.
Freedom is blue to represent the limitless sky and to remind the client to leave encumbrances behind as they go about the journey of their life. Each person is born free, whole and wise. They also have abundant ability to manifest their potential as they choose. However, external elements like conditioning, expectation and judgement can often render them powerless, which, in turn, give rise to disempowering underlying beliefs. Therefore, once they are allowed to be released, the client is able to take charge of their circumstances and make appropriate choices around them.
The experience of empowerment is one of creating life experiences in alignment with natural potential and personal values. The experience of freedom is one of releasing conditions that are unhelpful and do not support the client’s goals or represent them appropriately. So as the client frees themselves from hindrances, room is created for changing perspectives through which they can make empowering choices. Both processes of empowerment and freedom must run concurrently to create a balanced, meaningful and purposeful life experience.
Wholeness, wisdom, freedom and empowerment, and choices made out of those together constitute the experience of fulfilment. It is the measure or yardstick for meaningfulness and effectiveness of an endeavour. It is also the bridge that holds the balance between the inner motivations of empowerment and freedom, and the external choices of action that the client makes in their life to represent them. That means that fulfilling choices are usually those that are empowering, and freeing and aligned with personal values. Fulfilment is meaningfulness.
Fulfilling endeavours serve both short-term goals as also the life-purpose of the client.
Choices are the apex of the Iceberg coaching process. They are the visible element of the inner world of the client – how they experience their life. Decisions based on self-awareness, personal power, freedom and fulfilment are ones that are both effective and sustainable long-term.
There are three premises that the Iceberg Coaching model makes:
- Everyone is naturally whole and able.
- A person’s experience of fulfilment and meaningfulness guides them towards choices, decisions and actions that work not only for their own benefit but also that of their personal and professional communities.
- Once unhelpful influences and beliefs are worked through, anyone can experience fulfilment.