A Coaching Model Created by Shraddha Trasi
(Passion Coaching, INDIA)
My Coaching Model has been developed post my observations during my Group Coaching Sessions. The Model is as below:
Create a trusting space for the Client
Let the client speak out / Listen
Enable the client, to take action
Allow the client to acknowledge the efforts, strengths, beauty
Re direct the client’s energy into taking more action
Create a trusting space for the Client:
This step is the most crucial one. If a safe environment of TRUST is created, the Coaching Process smoothly flows through.
As I’ve used this model, in my Group Coaching sessions, I created the safe environment by clearly stating some ground rules to all my clients:
These ground rules, instantly created an environment of trust, as I clearly observed that the clients started opening up to a discussion n felt free to speak their minds.
Let the client speak out / Listen
After creating a safe environment, the second step just started flowing. All I had to do, was get tuned to my clients, and listen to them.
Listening, is a major part of my model, as I interact with the group face to face. Listening here, involves reading their non verbal communication signs and clues, listening with a view to understand the space from where they are operating, listening to the tightly held beliefs which speak on their behalf.
This step involves, LISTENING with an intention to understand the clients & be on the same page as them.
Enable the client, to take action
Just as the second step smoothly flowed once the trust was created, similarly, the third step starts flowing once, I tune into the voices, words, the space of my clients.
Listening enables me, as a Coach to support them in finding out their action areas, the areas that they are deeply intending to bring about an improvement. Allowing them to discuss about these action areas acts as a positive and empowering space for them to take action by creating their action plan.
As a Coach, following up on their action plans or creating a mechanism by which they can themselves keep a track of their progress also is important. The essence here is to keep a track –they may choose to take my support or they may choose to be self directed in following up – My role is to enable and ensure they take ACTION.
Allow the client to acknowledge the efforts, strengths, beauty
If the third step has fallen on track, automatically, there will be a lot that the client would want to acknowledge. At this stage, celebrating the achievements and acknowledging the progress so far, is a crucial step.
The acknowledgement/ celebrating wins acts as a reinforcing step that accelerates their progress & encourages them to move forward.
Re direct the client’s energy into taking more action
Post acknowledgement, its important to set pace for further action areas. Keeping the clients BIG PICTURE, in mind, its important for me as a coach to allow them to choose the further course of action.
The CLEAR MODEL, acts as a progressive model that starts with creating trust and intends to continuously improve the client by supporting in choosing action areas, taking action, acknowledging and goes on n on with choosing more action areas and so on.
The pictorial representation of the model is as below:
Here, the space denoted in Sky blue, is the trusting space created for the client, where he feels free to speak out, choose action areas, take action, celebrate his wins & progress further by choosing more action areas and so on.