The very nature of addiction causes complete distrust, not only of others but of the world and of ourselves. The basis of recovery coaching is trust so that the client will feel absolutely safe, understood, accepted and supported. There may be a lot of fear and uncertainty throughout the coaching process as the client begins the courageous journey of exploring the possibility of releasing their addiction. The client is offered U.P.R (unconditional positive regard – “blanket acceptance and support of a person regardless of what the person says or does.” Carl Rogers) which brings the assurance of a place of safety, a space to truly open up without fear of criticism or judgement, a space to share without having to hide. This is a place of openness and a place where maybe for the first time in their lives, the client will feel that someone has the upmost belief and trust in them and in their ability to discover their own answers and make choices about their own journey.
Coming from an empathic perspective, always open to seeing the experiences, thoughts, feelings, turmoil through the clients eyes. This process is about helping the client to see themselves without judgement, to understand themselves and to validate exactly where they are right now in this present time without guilt, shame or blame. By creating awareness through gentle exploration, understanding will blossom, the ‘how’s, why’s, what’s, who’s and where’s’ will slowly begin to shine with clarity.
A clearer understanding of the situation has developed so it is time to explore the next step. Looking at the possibilities, different roads to look down, obstacles, opening doors, options and resources, visualising the potential new life, to decide on the next step of the journey towards the destination of sobriety. By being in a safe place, in an environment of trust and unconditional support and encouragement the pathways can be investigated. There may be many different roads for many different people. This exploration will aid in choosing exactly the right path for the client.
Spending time focusing and visualising the vision of a new life, looking at all of the positive tools, possibilities, strategies, support and hope and bringing those things into your heart. What is the dream? What is the vision? How does the client feel? Seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and being within that beautiful, clean space, embracing the realisation that a new a wonderful life is possible. Embracing the future by creating a true, factual inventory of the past, looking at the total reality of where the desire to stop is coming from and what will keep them motivated, inspired and strong on their path.
How can the possibility of relapse be minimised? What may come up through recovery that can be prepared for? Through thorough investigation of risk situations, discussion and acknowledgement that thoughts, feelings, memories and emotions may surface, contingency plans and strategies, further support networks, groups and people. Taking a realistic look at the risks, taking a look at the willingness to be responsible for their own recovery and safety and clarifying visions and expectations, addressing and identifying fears and worries.
This is the stage to look deeply within, not only at the situation but at themselves. What can be done to cherish and nurture themselves? Discovering if they feel they deserve that nurturing love or not. Taking the steps to begin a journey of self-love and self-care after acknowledging the neglect of self for so long. What methods of self-love resonate? How can the future and the vision be nurtured daily so that it comes to fruition? How and what can be a daily practice of loving care that ensures growth and development? What plans can be implemented that will support the goals? Nurturing the process of recovery, the vision of a sober life, the child within and the adult today, the hopes and dreams, pains, regrets and resentments the client can work solidly toward the incredible life they deserve.