A Coaching Model Created by Sarah Levi
(Personal Life Coach, UNITED STATES)
This model is the basis for a dynamic and effective coaching experience and works best with the consideration of the client’s unlimited potential.
It assumes that the client is innately creative, vastly resourceful, and has a deep desire to reach for their greatest potential.
The coaching is intended to be comprehensive, inquisitive, with shifting currents of curiosity. From coach to client there is a flow of communication that is based on deep listening and directed toward powerful feedback.
With a focus on your agenda, I listen deeply for and feedback your expressed and unexpressed desires. I share with you in celebrating them. I encourage you to trust them, and assist you in setting intentions for living the life that you desire.
Desire v.: To long or hope for; to express a wish for
Express, Explore, Expand
This coaching model is desire centered. The relationship is intended to examine, and elaborate on what you want. You are invited and encouraged to speak from your heart. This includes everything from daily decision making to the establishment of your life’s purpose.
Expanding on what you want takes you into the realm of possibility. Coaching supports you in improving your quality of life. I encourage you to go big! Expanding on what is effective in your existing life and bravely designing and stepping into the ideal!
I do my best to provide a safe, accepting and nonjudgmental space to curiously explore your most heartfelt desires.
Celebrate v.: To honor or praise: To make widely known; to proclaim
Move toward a place of abundance
Celebrate what you desire. Celebration promotes a sense of gratitude. By acknowledging what works in your life, you consciously shift toward a perspective of abundance.
Celebrate your mistakes. By honoring your process and even your limitations you take action toward making changes to positively impact your life.
By identifying structures and relationships that support you in your development, you build on your resources for growth and fulfillment. I support my clients in celebrating, their inner strengths, their expanding awareness and their deepest desires. I invite you to let your passions pull you forward.
Trust n.:
- Reliance on something in the future; hope
- Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing
Believe you can have what you want
Trust in your desires and in your ability to achieve your goals. When you determine that what you desire is good for you, it becomes trustworthy. By trusting your desire, you begin to believe you can have it (and this is vital!)
By trusting your desires you connect to the sacred place of possibility believing that what you want, is possible. This process will take as long or as short a time, and be as in depth or superficial, as you believe it needs to be.
I trust in the inherit brilliance of every human being. I trust that you hold your answers inside of you and I simply keep the space for you to express what you want, and explore your relationship to your desires.
Intentions n.: A course of action that one intends to follow n.: A course of action that one intends to follow
How do you want to connect to your desire? What can you do to integrate what you want into your life today? How do you want to experience the process of achieving your goals?vBring your desires into your reality
Taking action pulls you forward. It is an invitation to bring your desires into your reality. Through action, whether passive (e.g. developing awareness) or active (e.g. designing and implementing support structures) you further connect to your passions.
Taking steps toward what you want in the immediate future, can give you a deeper connection to what you ultimately desire. It opens up the opportunity for deeper exploration.Together we explore possible ways of thinking, being and doing that support you in designing and creating your desired life.
Delta n.: An object shaped like a triangle often used to represent a quantitative change
To the Greeks, the triangle is symbolic of a doorway or a gateway. In this model the triangle concentrates the focus of that journey on the client’s desires. In this model, the coaching is used as a symbolic gateway for accessing the client’s most heartfelt desire in order to create a life around those passions. Celebrating, setting powerful Intentions and Trusting in the possibility all support the process of living the life your desired life.