Keen-Ness to Discover
Conversation that leads to new Insights for the Client.
- What has led them to the belief that this issue is holding them back?
- What is causing them to think in this manner?
The questions in this phase must encourage the client to create New thinking. Listening and responding with intuition leads to powerful questions that allow the client to access their unconscious thinking. Visualization is a great tool in this phase and allows the client to access their unconscious mind to create new connections and new thinking.
Release Emotional Blocks
Using the Clients New Thinking to Reframe the negative and limiting perspective in the clients mind. Getting them to latch on to a Growth perspective i.e. opportunity to learn from mistake, journey is as important as the destination.
Appreciative Enquiry is also a powerful tool that values the good/ success of each person and uses the same to envision a positive future without the limiting beliefs.
Action Planning
Client to come up with action plan that will move them forward and create momentum and positive energy. It is important to encourage and support the client at this stage. Maintenance of the action plan / new behavior through maintaining a journal, followup by a partner, feedback from peers in an executive coaching environment.
The CHAKRA model is about creating a positive cycle of energy for the client. It is therefore important that the new thinking and actions are sustainable. To do this it is important to ANCHOR the new thinking by aligning it to the clients beliefs, motivating the client to take on meditation and things that inspire them to create more balance in their lives.
The Chakra Model and its philosophy of balance in the energy centres encourages the coach to be authentic and to be fully present. To enjoy the flow and energy that exists between two people without judgment, fear of results and trying to find the answers.
The model has been very useful in my coaching assignments and I look forward to learn and further develop the model as I build my executive coaching practice.