A Coaching Model Created by Safaa Marafi
(Transformational Life Coach, EGYPT)
The path to Aliveness Coaching Model is structured around the concept of ALIVENESS; how you as a client will be defining it based on your own insightful meanings, and how it is aligned with the general basic description of the concept known generally in dictionaries, for instance, “full of activity, or active”i.
Aliveness as a concept must meet with you as a client and your own values and goals. The variety of aspects defining Aliveness gives the concept rich diversity and shows that each person is creative in giving his or her definition for the concept of aliveness.
Examples of my clients’ first definitions for Aliveness which we went through together, to narrow and clarify the scope of each of their meanings based on the clients understanding are as following:
Enjoy being deeply happy
Having inner peace
Having full energy
As a coach I support and guide you as a client in defining what aliveness means and how it is integrated with your own values and potential goal(s)? It is important, as a coach, to determine this definition with each client via different sorts of questions, such as powerful questions, open ended questions, and exploratory questions.
I found that using visualization, as a method, also helps some clients in coming up with their own meanings and definitions for aliveness as well. This method enables me as coach and you as a client to learn how your values are linked to the potential goal(s) mentioned above. My role as your coach is to keenly help you as a client to reach your desired goal(s) while being fully alive which, in turn, is based on your own definition of aliveness.
The Process of Our Coaching Path is as Following:
It is important to establish trust between me as a Coach, and you as a client. As I stated above, we will go through a journey of exploration with you: What does Aliveness opposing to Living statuses mean to you as a client? Based on this question we will move on to the next step which is setting the desired goal(s) and discovering if it fits with your values. Then, I will strongly support you and work with you to create ‘Your OWN Unique Action Plan’ fueled with Your Aliveness. As your coach, I will be supporting you in reaching your goal(s) in each step of this journey.
Having a harmonious atmosphere between your values and goal(s) will help you in working on your action plan while being fully alive. Taking steps toward achieving the desired goal(s) can be smoothly working for some clients.
But, it is not always the case for all clients as some clients will find themselves blocked and are unable to take some or all steps smoothly. At this point, we will discover together what is stopping you from continuing to take your action plan to achieve your goal(s) and unlock the doors which are blocking you. This process will bring you a marvelous awareness about yourself. In addition, I will support you in working on your initial action plan, modifying it, or even creating a new action plan that fits your situation as we move along.
As a coach, my role is to strongly support you to be seriously, joyfully, and energetically committed to your action plans. I will be acknowledging your achievements in every step you are taking along the way. Finally, I will celebrate with you achieving your desired goal(s) while being fully alive.