A Coaching Model Created by Sabine Schoellhorn
(Transformational Coach, JAPAN)
I understand life as a series of constantly changing states. It’s not about the “one” destination. Through our life journey, we continuously develop and grow into something more. I call this process transitions and they occur on a personal and professional level.
Transitions are development phases. We are progressively moving from one experience to the next closer to achieving our set goals and dreams. During these transitions, we become aware of our inner compass. We can make conscious choices about our next experiences, challenges, adventures, and connections enabling us to live a fulfilling life.
In my spare time, you can find me in the ocean surfing. Surfinggives me pure bliss and I experience more balance and energy throughout my life. I resonate with the quote “you can’t stop the waves but you can learn how to surf” by Jon Kabat-Zinn[1]. We have a conscious choice to decide which waves to catch. This means what experiences we invite to have. Sometimes life is happening and opportunities are presented. When this happens all you have to do is recognize them, align yourself, and choose which actions to take. For me, life is like the ocean, a never-ending sight full of possibilities. In coaching the client decides which waves they choose to catch and would like to experience in their lives.
Coaching Model Clients
My Coaching Model is called the 7 SEAS (7C’s) model. My coaching style is a blended coaching approach focusing on life and business coaching for clients in personal and professional transitions. The contract will comprise of 10 sessions and in each session, we will discover one of the C’s. Please refer to the “Coaching Model Approach” section below for an explanation.
Clients in personal transitions are mainly foreign nationals that are coming newly to Japan and are still cross-culturally adapting to their new environment. I came to Japan 14 years ago and I am happily still calling this country my home. I will support my clients to feel closer to Japan adjusting to the unique culture while staying true to their authentic selves. For business coaching, I am targeting ex-pats who are transferred here with their companies, as well as foreign exchange students. I have accomplished my MBA studies in Japan and can approach my university to offer my coaching skills. Mostly the MBA students are choosing Japan to not only study here but also find a job after graduation. With my experiences working in multi-national and Japanese companies I can consult and coach students on career and cross-cultural aspects in the working environment. For ex-pats in companies, I will work on coaching and consulting about cross-cultural leadership topics. One of my main focuses is successfully leading a team with national and foreign employees.
7 SEAS (C’s Steps) Coaching Model Approach:
The 7 SEAS (C’s) Model has the end in mind which is creation. The main focus in my model is about the awareness of the client’s personality, their being. This means that I dive deeper to understand the “Who” of the client. The Who includes discovering and exploring the client’s values, underlying beliefs, and feelings. The client gains more clarity about him/herself. The client starts to become aware of what they would like to focus on and set their goals. The clients will gain confidence, feels committed to taking actions that enable the achievement of their goals.
Consciousness: Discovery (Objectives/Outline)
The first step is the initial discovery call and contracting will be done. I start using the “Wheel of Life” tool to make the clients aware of their current overall life situation. This enables the client to understand which areas they would like to focus on. In my experience as a coach and client, I realized that the chosen wheel of life topics are well linked and inter-connected with each other. The client will understand the gap between the current and desired outcome they would like to have in their life.
Connection: Oneself (Explore Feelings: Heart & Mind)
I will explore the clients thinking and feeling process. What is their belief around the desired outcome they would like to have at the end of 10 sessions? The client will understand their essence and personality better. We will further clarify what’s holding the client back and what is the connection to their deeper selves.
Clarity: Learn about your Strengths & Learning Styles
In this session we will discuss the results of the Gallup Strengths Finder tool[i], the client took before the appointment. On top of knowing the client’s personality, this tool will make the client more aware of their strengths. It will support the client to think about their best strategies to bring them closer to their goals. This process creates clarity about the “Who” of the client.
Choices: Clarification about Choices
I believe we all have choices to make every day that will support us to grow. In this phase of the coaching, I will help the client to fine-tune their desired outcome and how to break down the smaller achievable steps. It’s about reframing the current perspectives and shifting the client’s minds. The client is enabled to create and be more aware of their opportunities and is supported by making the right choices.
Confidence: Contribute to Commitment & Creation
The client is starting to work towards their goals. In this step by step approach, the client will feel more confident that the goal is in sight and they are progressing towards the goal achievement.
Commitment: Rooting Transitions
I will confirm the set action plan and check what still needs to be resolved. The client will feel committed and empowered about the progress they have made so far.
Creation: Actions for achieving-transitioning
The client reviews their journey and understands how they addressed and overcame roadblocks. This learning enables the client to realize how to be in control of any life situation that occurs beyond our coaching sessions.
[1]Picture Source: https://www.healthflowwellness.ca/on-dealing-with-emotional-turmoil/
[i]Strength Finder Tool: https://www.viacharacter.org/character-strengths