A Coaching Model Created by Pauline Valvo
(Relationship Coaching, UNITED STATES)
Life is a journey, not a destination. Ralph Waldo Emerson
As an educator, writer, workshop presenter, and life coach, my mission is to facilitate personal growth by guiding people on a journey within. Through experiential workshops and one-on-one sessions I offer a process of self-exploration and growth. Shifting perspectives, new awarenesses and insights, and increased authenticity are some of the benefits available.
Using the C A R E model I can help you gain more clarity about who you authentically are, what drives your choices and therefore your experiences, and what will best support you in stepping into all of who you desire to be. This is a circular process that continues infinitely, with each cycle offering an opportunity to go deeper and learn more.
Applying the C A R E Model
Every action starts with a choice. Are you conscious about why you make the choices you do? What beliefs drive your choices? From where did these beliefs come? And do they really serve you? By getting clear about your values and beliefs, examining what assumptions drive those values, and aligning your choices with your goals, you will be able to live more consciously and authentically.
Your choices drive your experiences. Sometimes it’s necessary to feel uncomfortable in order to try to new things and move forward. Being willing to risk and be vulnerable is a necessary part of change. Take steps toward your goals at your perfect pace. Thinking of life as a journey, a laboratory in which to try new things, may help you embrace each experience as an adventure.
Taking time to be introspective and notice how you feel as you have experiences may provide new awareness and insights. What did you like? What didn’t work well? Remember there are no right answers here, and that the process is about learning what your authentic truth is. Acknowledge yourself for taking risks and trying new things, and appreciate the lessons that you learned along the way. Be compassionate with yourself if things didn’t go as anticipated. It’s all part of the journey.
Affirm and celebrate the growth and progress that is happening. Employ steps to ensure you continue to make choices that support your goals and reinforce these new habits that you wish to incorporate in your life moving forward. With time allow yourself to fully integrate these new aspects of who you are.
Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung