When the invocation descends into the heart, if there is darkness within, it illuminates it; and if there is already light, the invocation increases the light and intensifies it. Ibn Ata’Allah
Invocation is the foundation laying & context setting phase of the coaching process where the coach intentionally seeks to notice the inherent wisdom and capacity of the client. This phase is guided by the essential human truth that ‘client has all the power’ to take charge of his life-situations and generate insightfulness & determination to the do the needful, from within. This phase is akin to Michael Angelo seeing the ‘David’ within the so-called “ruined piece of marble” which had been rejected by all of his contemporaries. Like Angelo, a coach must focus on chiseling whatever is ‘Non-David’ (the fears, self-limitations, doubts, distractions etc. of the client).
I have adopted Invocation as a sacred practice as the ‘start before the start’. This helps me stay tuned to the ‘positive core’ of the client and guide my work with the belief that the ‘client’s journey is a call to his core truth & capacity’ where I am just too privileged to witness his transformation.
Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’. Viktor E. Frankl
Meaning is the clarifying phase where, having articulated his issue and coaching outcome, the client is helped to uncover his core values and underlying beliefs. Quite often, a coach may stop at exploring the client’s values & beliefs only in the context of the immediate coaching issue. However, it is immensely helpful to extend this quest in the overall spectrum of the client’s life (assuming the client is choosing to go that way). Such deep exploration would have far richer value for the client, touching various aspects of his life, filling them with meaning & a sense of mission.
When things get too complicated, it sometimes makes sense to stop and wonder … Have I asked the right question? Enrico Bombieri
Perspective is the questioning phase where the coach helps the client develop a higher objective view about his situation, his underlying beliefs & the options he is considering. It is a phase where, by asking powerful questions, a coach helps his client generate deep awareness, expand his consciousness and reframe his perspective. The coach’s work in this phase is guided by Einstein’s inspiring words …
No problem can be solved from the same plane of consciousness that created it… and I am not a genius, I am just curious. I ask many questions. and when the answer is simple, then God is answering.
The reframed Perspective helps the client generate insights & options, which would move him forward on his chosen path. The asking of questions is not about coach needing to impress the client with his genius … instead it is about coach allowing his humble, present curiosity to pick the cues emerging in the ‘here & now’ space of exploration and raise questions that help the client find ‘simple answers’ which in Einstein’s view are like God’s answers.