A Coaching Model Created by Nathalie Mollah
(Expat Life Coach, THAILAND)
What does GATE stands for?
Dictionaries give some definitions:
A gate is an opening permitting passage through an enclosure.
A gate is referencing to any access or entrance.
Expatriates often go through GATES to travel from a place to another. Several of them leave a mission to start another one, resulting stress of the unknown, sadness of leaving the routine they got used to…
Therefore, GATE is really significant in the Expat life. It is obvious that a GATE could be used as a bridge between the Present and the Future life
Also, what if this powerful G.A.T.E. could open the “door” to a better life?
The Coaching Model G.A.T.E. has been created to constantly motivate the client to move forward.
I believe that exploring the present, focusing on the future and defining an action plan will help my clients creating their inspiration for a better Tomorrow.
Set your Goal(s)
To set goals in life as the important step.
To create a comfortable and safe coaching space.
Coaching process:
Create Awareness
To bring the client to self awareness.
To create an agenda/plan with objectives.
Coaching process:
Trust the process, Trust Yourself
To make the client trusts his choices.
To help the client becoming confident with the different steps of the process.
Coaching process:
Embrace your new life & Enjoy the new YOU
To develop a state of well being and a need to keep going forward.
To make the client celebrate her/his new success.