A Coaching Model Created by Mette Madsen
(Life Coach, DENMARK)
A coach model for coaching in social work
Sunshine makes things grow!
I would like to use my coach model in socialwork and especial in work with ex-prisoners and people addicted to drugs or alkohol.
I have noticed that very often in socialwork, socialworkers are so eager and happy to help the person in front of them, that they just start giving a lot of god advice’s, counseling, and ideas to their client in order to help them get a better and different life.
However what I have also noticed is, that the client who seem to agree on all the good advices and idea from the socialworker, not always are able to take action, and unfortunately no change seems to appear.
Very often we socialworkers simply forgets to ask what THE CLIENT think, dreams and hopes for, and what might holding them back from taking the first step in a new direction, or what keeps them away from the right track, or if they are simply ready for a change!
I really think it would be super beneficial to use coaching as a tool in socialwork. I would like to use coaching to empower people to take responsibility for their own life, and dare to take action on making a change.
To visualize it, I will say these clients needs some good soil, rain, fertilizer and sunshine from the coach and they can sprout, grow and flourish. I have actually seen it.