You will also become aware of any underlying limited beliefs holding you down, and any potential challenges that may stand in your way of getting what you want. Making you acquainted with available options and the exploration of those will allow you to create a proactive approach towards being ready to get into action.
Having gained clarity on where you are and where you want to go, you will now create a way in which to go about achieving it. This is a crucial phase in the coaching process, in that it will determine whether you succeed or not.
Setting up a structure that allows you to work towards creating a routine of the new habits or actions you need to implement is critical here.
In order to create a sustainable and successful action plan, we will work together in order to set up realistic and achievable small steps, or processes, as a way to get you to easily integrate your new actions or behaviours into your daily life to start the growth journey.
Too much action too fast may be counterproductive. Too little action and you may lose motivation and focus on the outcome, as bad habits try to creep up again. It is important that we keep an open and honest communication to ensure you are satisfied with the pace of your progress.
You decide which actions will help you achieve your vision. You own them because you created them.
In this phase we work together to set you up for success with support and resources, and being accountable by myself, the coach.
We also focus on the journey to gage if your actions are directing you where you want to go:
This process allows us to remain flexible and experiment, and to see what works. You will also start noticing what you are getting.
You are now on your journey and enjoying it as you see some of the results of getting into action. In this phase it is important to keep an eye on the destination (i.e. are my action points directing me to my ultimate destination?).
Taking the time to reflect on your progress thus far will allow you to notice your learning and growing during the process, and you will be able to quantify successes, and the achievement of milestones, at which point you will be able to celebrate in a way that is meaningful to you.
The rewards and satisfaction come from enjoying the journey. Reflect on your overall journey, highs and lows, what worked and didn’t, your learning’s, etc.
In order to move into the success phase you will need to set up milestones, which we will identify with questions such as:
Rewarding yourself and reflecting on your achievements allows you to acknowledge and appreciate your progress, and it reinforces the continuous coaching cycle.
In life we succeed when we notice our progress and take time to celebrate and acknowledge ourselves for putting ourselves first and choosing to stretch and develop further.
You create your life, you create your future.
With much appreciation,
Maria Isabel Valle Rivera