A Coaching Model Created by Loren De Feo
(Life Coach, ITALY)
I chose the acronyms TRUTH ACT …because the truth resonates with me the most in life….if we discover the truth about ourselves and are living our authenticity, we also have the ability to make decisions that will empower us and work in our favour.
To act in the single most important step we can take when we are living our authentic selves because, without the ability to take action, we can’t achieve our goals and dreams. Sometimes action is the single most difficult step to take and follow through because of patterns and habits that are working against us, limiting beliefs and our fears of leaving our comfort zones…..but like learning how to ride a bicycle ….the more we take the steps to take action and move forward, with time it becomes more effortless and we start to feel empowered as e draw closer and closer to our desired wishes and goals.
Target goal:
what is your goal and what would you like to accomplish for the session
The reality of the current situation:
how does your current situation look like, why is this goal important to you?
Understanding the underlying issues/ motivations / factors/ behaviors:
Understanding what has been preventing the client from taking action until now, what obstacles are in the way, what emotional blocks are taking over can give clarity and awareness to the client in order to liberate themselves from these thoughts and patterns and see how they have been preventing them from moving forward until now….
Transforming your thoughts/ previous beliefs into empowering ones:
Means to find your own power and see what choices do you have here, finding alternative ways to look at the situation
Hatch a plan:
actions needed to move forward….support systems
to take: step-by-step action plan
how long do you need to carry out your plan in order to reach your goals, what is a reasonable, realistic time frame
your success! Celebrate your hard work and your goals and really empower yourself and create more ambition for other future plans!
<<Find out more about how to create your own Coaching model at ICA>>