Imagine; Make something visible to the eye; Create a mental pictureThis may be represented by a mental picture, a written plan, a vision board or any other medium (auditory, sculpture, photographs, poetry, video) that helps the individual clarify where he or she is going or wants to become.
Become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly; Cause (something desired or anticipated) to happen. This is action coming to fruition and beginning to fulfill what was imagined in the visualizing step. This is evidence of progress toward the ultimate vision, making it happen, bringing it to reality.
to make as effective, perfect, or useful as possible; to make the best of. This implies ongoing improvement in the aspects we choose to optimize. The pursuit of health and wellness as with all aspects of living is a journey full of opportunity among various challenges and rewards. Both challenges and rewards, circumstances within and without one’s control, direct and indirect consequences, and the many choices that face each client contribute to each unique journey. The client ultimately decides the level of optimization and to what degree and intensity this is achieved or pursued.
Glasser, M.D., William, Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom, Harper Collins Publishers, Inc., copyright 1998.
Definitions for Visiualize, Realize and Optimize: Unabridged. Retrieved July 20, 2011, from website: