A Coaching Model Created by Lisa Eklund
(Equestrian Performance Coach, USA)
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose- Dr. Seuss
Grit is passion and perseverance for very long term goals. (Duckworth)
The “Grit” coaching model empowers, you, the client to find your own strengths to follow down the path that is authentic to you. As your coach I will support you in the search for that path, in your discovery of the tools needed to help you travel towards your destination and in your exploration on how to turn roadblocks into opportunities of growth and change. This model is based on the science of neuroplasticity which has discovered that the mind can change the brain and new neuropathways can be developed to change old habits and behavior. (Begley 8-11) But this does require hard work and determination from the client and a “growth mindset.” (Dwek 7) That is the “GRIT” factor. Without it, change will likely not happen. The knowledge that the mind can change the brain allows for limitless possibility. That knowledge combined with your GRIT can lead you to live your best life.
This is the time when you will find tools to help you stay in the moment and present in your own body and self. You will begin to disconnect with issues of the past and stop worrying and fantasizing about the future. This will help you become more self-aware and gain greater clarity about what it is you truly want and need in your life. With a growing mindfulness you will be able to relax more and reflect and explore the limitless possibilities of your life. As your coach I will support you in your discovery of the best ways you can become grounded and present as each client is unique.
Once grounded you will be better able to reflect on the strengths you already have to help you on your journey. You will also better be able to know what path to take and what you will need along the way. You may still see roadblocks ahead, but at this point those will be ignored so you can best envision the destination that is authentic to only you. What you will eventually do with these roadblocks, once you see your destination, is take note as to how and why you get stuck and what old habits you need to leave behind. Then you will know what new strengths you need to develop and grow. As your coach I will challenge you with questions to help you go deeper inward as you reflect and discover what it is you want and need.
This is when you will do the research and work needed to help you attain your goals. You will build on your old strengths and begin to change the habits and thoughts that block the pathway to your success. You will begin to create new thought patterns using a positive, growth mindset. This is the hardest step as you will have to give up old patterns and face whatever fears you may have. Grit and perseverance will be necessary as it will take work. There will be failures and lessons to be learned from those failures. But if you do the work you will be rewarded with an authentic life. My support will come from my presence and guidance as you begin your discoveries and make your changes.
After all of your hard work you will notice that you will have new beliefs in the power of your abilities and a willingness to face your fears and take chances. You will better understand the direction you want to travel. Failure will not be so daunting to you because you will see your failures as opportunities for growth and learning. You will still have struggles along the way, but your new habits and beliefs will serve you well. You will be better able to face life’s struggles, be with them in the present and work through them instead of running from them. You will be following the life path that is unique to you. As your coach I will celebrate with you your successes and support you whenever needed.
You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So get on your way! Dr. Seuss
Begley, Sharon. Train Your Mind Change Your Brain: How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves. New York: Ballantine Books, 2007. Print.
Duckwort, Angela Lee. “The Key to Success? Grit.” TED. April 2013. Lecture. http://www.ted.com/talks/angela_lee_duckworth_the_key_to_success_grit?language=en
Dwek, Carol. Mindset: The Psychology of Success. New York: Ballantine Books, 2006. Print
Hawk Photo Credit: Nick Hunter. nicksnaturepics.wordpress.com