The Model
As shown in the diagram, the model is iterative in nature. Discover and Diagnose form a loop, meaning that Discover may prompt Diagnose and the results of Diagnose may influence Discover. Once the goals are discovered, the client moves in to design phase, in which strategies are chosen.
Then client moves in to Develop phase. Develop and Deploy form a loop. The actions are performed. The results of the actions are reviewed and more actions are identified. As the client is performing the actions, he may realize that some strategies have to be reworked. It is also possible that as the coaching progresses, the client or his organization may want the goals to be tweaked. The 5D model allows that.
The Process
It is envisaged that the number of sessions will be between 6 and 12. The periodicity of the sessions will be between a week and four weeks. Each session will be for an hour.
The model is designed to move the client towards his goals. Feedback loops allow the client to constantly review the progress and apply mid-course corrections if required.