This stage is critical in achieving one’s goal or vision. It is more important than intention. Often clients have an intention – but without a clear vision – they can miss the mark and never reach one’s vision because it wasn’t fully created.
I highly believe in visualization exercises with individual clients or in a group setting. Visualization helps solidify the image in the client’s subconscious and conscious mind. Most people are visual learners. At anytime, anywhere; the client can simply pull up their vision in their mind – which is motivating and encouraging in completing their goals / actions to acquire that vision.
Inward – journey:
This phase usually crops up due to a client getting stuck, hitting a wall, etc. To me, this is true coaching. At this point, the client/ coach relationship is well established with trust and challenging oneself.
The coaching process can help the client dig deeper inside and discover what might be blocking the client and forge ahead to reach the desired vision.
Typical questions asked here might be:
(I will ask about beliefs again).
New / Nurture:
The new Phase is about nurturing one’s new behaviors, new ways of being, new ways of thinking, believing and sourcing. Adopting and practicing new belief systems that serve the client.
Embrace/ empowerment:
This phase is about Embracing their body (my passion is working with morbidly obese clients).
To stand in their power and live in their power every day and to embrace who they are.