A Coaching Model Created by Jessica Mackie
(Transformational Coach, NEW ZEALAND)
My coaching approach embraces the idea that we don’t need to create anything new. Everything you need is already there, it’s simply a matter of discovering and maximising your magnificence. In order to reveal our brilliance we must move inward, through the “dirt” and toward the deepest part of ourselves. In doing so we gradually reveal our truest, most authentic selves.
We can also think of this approach in terms of the classic metaphor A Diamond in the Rough. Urban Dictionary1 explains this idea as:
Someone that has hidden exceptional characteristics and/or future potential, but currently lacks the final touches that would make them truly stand out from the crowd. The phrase is metaphorical and relates to the fact that naturally occurring diamonds are quite ordinary at first glance, and that their true beauty as jewels is only realized through the cutting and polishing process.
There are five key elements to the process and we may move back and forth between these at various times throughout the course of coaching:
In exploring the idea of coaching you are already taking action toward greater possibility for your life. To be seeking you already hold a glimmer of hope or belief in the existence of more. The power in this is that on some level you already know brilliance exists and you are moving toward it. You may sense more possibilities worth seeking as the process progresses. This stage supports the idea that coaching is self-driven and initiated.
Here we assess the lay of the land, ask questions about what you are hoping for and envisioning, glean information, understanding and awareness, and begin to dig around. This stage includes an exploration of where you currently are, values discovery, identifying what lights you up, outlining visions and goals, understanding what drives and motivates you (and what doesn’t). We have begun the process of unearthing what’s been beneath the surface all along.
With the goods in hand we begin to scrape away the layers that that have gathered and are obstructing the beauty within. What is no longer serving you or standing in your way? What can be released or reframed? Ideas, beliefs, aspects of life that no longer fit, held emotion, old patterns of behaviour, doubt. You may not yet know exactly what brilliance you behold but the more curious and committed you are revealing it, the clearer things become.
Cut, polish & set:
This is all about shaping and creating your life. Now you know the gem that you are, how will you express your innate beauty and characteristics? How do you want to show up in the world? What impact do you want to make? How do you fully embrace the blemishes make you unique and precious? We look at ways of translating and integrating your core qualities into all realms of your life. Approaches might include redefining your visions and goals, action planning, devising structures and strategies, staying accountable, celebration and more.
Fully integrated you live effortlessly from the authentic, essential nature that resides at your core.
1 http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Diamond+in+the+rough