Once we have uncovered this wealth of information that is within you, we will organize the information so you can make it your own. What patterns do you see? What are your core competencies? In which direction are the many cues pointing you? Which direction do you want to go?
With a direction in mind, like an explorer preparing for a journey, you will pick and choose the tools to hold close. What will serve you in your new direction? Which things should you tuck away in case of emergency? Which should you leave behind in order to lighten your load and free yourself to focus on your mission?
With a strong awareness of your unique power and the direction you are headed, it is time to commit. In this phase, I will guide you in the development of a specific commitment that is SMART*: specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and time sensitive. We will also develop mission and vision statements to further clarify what you intend to accomplish and how that will look when you are successful.
With clarity of commitment and the focus of a mission and vision, we will chart your course by creating a strategic action plan for getting there.
When you know where you are headed and how you intend to get there, it is time to get started. We will navigate the course together, taking it step by step so that you can track – and celebrate – progress week by week as you move toward your goal.
If you stumble, we can always dip back to discover the gifts in the experience, adjust the commitment and plan as needed and get you back on your feet and moving forward.
With steady progress based on focused awareness, commitment and action, you will ultimately be successful in accomplishing your mission. It may be precisely the mission you identify at the start of the process, or, as you travel on your journey, your destination may change based on the awareness you uncover along the way. You may find that as you discover, commit and act, your vision may become clearer and you may create a mission that is even more right than you can even imagine at the start of your journey.
That is okay. In fact, that is perfect. We are constantly growing and discovering and the world is constantly changing around us. We must be limber and our process must allow us to grow and adjust and continue without having to stop and start and lose our momentum.
Success is not an end, of course. It is merely a stopping point to pause, acknowledge and celebrate your power and process, then return inward to reflect on your journey and discover new intentions, desires and gems that have grown within you.
Because indeed, when you reach your destination, there will be new opportunities on the horizon for you to set your sights on, new discoveries to make, new commitments and action needed. With this model, you may retreat inward or work outward as you need to continue on your life journey. At times, you may be in each stage while you work on varying goals in your life. However, as long as you have your core at the center and your commitment and subsequent action built around that core, you will be able to succeed in moving your mission forward.
Who knows where you will go. That is power of the potential within you.