A Coaching Model Created by Jason Gamba
(Health and Wellness Coach, UNITED STATES)
The A*R*I*S*E* Coaching Model is based on using your inner strength to overcome obstacles. It is about recognizing counterproductive habits or behaviors that are keeping you down and rising to the occasion to strive for your goals in spite of these obstacles. Finding and employing the strengths that work for you is the foundation. It can be summed up as follows:
There are five concepts in this process. It is not meant to be linear. Each concept can and should be revisited on a regular basis as a way of keeping your commitment to success as your journey continues.
The stages are:
A Awareness of your situation
The first step to becoming the best you can is to be aware of your situation and your goals. You must know the factors creating your reality and recognize how they affect your situation. We need to recognize what works for us as individuals and what does not work for us. Which attitudes, behaviors, habits and other factors are preventing us from reaching our goals? How can we leverage our strengths to achieve these goals?
R Reframe your perspectives
Once you are aware of the strengths and obstacles contributing to your current state, the next step is to look at these factors from a different point of view. Creating new perspective is a tremendous key to changing behavior and depends on your ability to learn. The following step is to figure out the best way to put these new perspectives to work.
I Introspection – look inward for your solution
You are the expert on your life! The tools to put your new perspectives to work and take action to reach your goal already exist within you. Look inside to find your strengths and areas of possible improvement. This is the time to visualize events in your life and become cognizant of what you did that lead to success and possible obstacles to reaching your goals. Once you have recognized your abilities, you can figure out how to create a lifestyle that will facilitate your path to success.
S Structure to facilitate taking action and reaching your goals
You have reached the point of awareness, with a re-framed perspective and have looked inside to discover the path you know will bring you to your ultimate goal. You are now ready to recognize and put helpful structures into place to put your new found knowledge to use. Identifying both empowering and dis empowering structures you may or may not realize exist in your life is a huge step in understanding the aspects of you r life that truly influence reaching or blocking your ultimate goal. We all have structures in our everyday lives. The dynamic of a client/coach relationship should help the client find these structures while also allowing the client to develop new structures to support their journey. These structures eventually lead the client to the next step in the ARISE Model.
E Empowerment to take responsibility for your continued success
This is the most challenging part of the ARISE coaching model. You are aware of your situation and have learned how to make the changes to put the fixes in place. That, in and of itself is a great accomplishment, but it is not the end. Now you need to find the energy and passion within yourself to build on your strengths while maintaining these new found behaviors, attitudes and habits every day. It is a lifelong commitment and now that you are aware of what it takes to reach a goal, you can apply this model to any current or future goals you may have. This is the time for the client to take ownership of their life.