A Coaching Model Created by Ivana Krcivoj
(Life Coach, CROATIA)
Coaching models are used as supporting structures in the coaching process. Basic coaching principles are integrated into those models. Each coach has the freedom to designed his/her own model based on coaching style and/or niche. Coaching model gives us only a framework, because ultimately – coaching is about dancing at the moment with our clients.
By having a coaching model we are ensuring flexibility and structure for the coaching conversation.
While creating my model, I was inspired by the word ARROW.
Thanks to my dear friend, who is also a great support in my coaching development, I have discovered this inspiring part of my personality – being straight as an arrow and following my dreams passionately.
And I am grateful to share this inspiration with my clients and other coaches.
My intention as a Life Coach is to support people in creating and living the life they truly desire.
Arrow is a symbol of direction. If we use this metaphor in coaching, it can be simply said:
The client is choosing the direction, setting their „arrow“and decides how to launch it. Going straight in the target – like an arrow – this coaching model is supporting the coach to guide the client in the desired direction in a clear, powerful and effective way.
ARROW is a direct invitation to clear your mind, set your targets, remove what is not serving you and become the Winner of your Life!
ARROW is enabling the client to set their goals with clarity and a sense of confidence. It is about discovering the target and finding the best way to make it true.
We all have different paths in front of us. ARROW can support us to discover which path is the best fit. By following 5 stages of this coaching model, the client is going through a process of empowering transformation.
Coaching is a process, trust the process. Eric Parsloe
The Stages
Arise Def:
to begin to occur or to exist; to come into being or to attention 1
The client is deciding where to focus on and brings the topic to attention. At this stage, strong coaching agreement is being established. It is important to determine the following:
All 4 points mentioned above must be touched. They are the best guidelines which are ensuring that both – the client and the coach – have a clear understanding about what the client wants to achieve in the session and how the client will know that desired outcome is satisfactory.
Clear and strong coaching agreement is the foundation of each coaching session. Sometimes it may take a bit longer to define it (it will maybe take up to 30-40% of coaching session). However even while defining the coaching agreement coaching is happening, because the client is turning into himself/herself and begins to understand what he/she truly wants to achieve.
That is why coaching is so powerful – it makes the client think deeper and goes further, to truly understand all the aspects of the chosen topic.
Recognize Def.:
Identify (someone or something) from having encountered them before; know again.2
1 Definition by Merriam-Webster Dictionary (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/)
2 Definition by Oxford Dictionaries (https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/recognize)
Reinvent Def.:
change (something) so much that it appears to be entirely new.3
After exploration phase client is finding the gap between the current state and desired outcome. At this stage, the coach is supporting the client in creating awareness. While creating new awareness, the client connects with his/her strengths and values. Each stage of the coaching process is special and powerful. However, this stage I would emphasize as the breakthrough. Coaching is all about transformation and supporting the client to step out of their comfort zone. This is how we grow in life. This is the stage of the session when that amazing AHA moment is happening! Embrace it fully! It is an extraordinary experience for the client and for the coach.
Own It!
This is the moment when the client is taking the ownership of newly created ideas or beliefs which have been reinvented in the previous step.
It is essential to ensure that the client owns the change. Otherwise, reinvention will not happen or it will be a short-term illusion. In coaching, we go deeper and further by assuring that the client feels connected with the new awareness. The only then lasting transformation will happen.
3: Definition by Oxford Dictionaries (https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/reinvent)
In the last stage, just before closing the session, the client feels energized and inspired. To really imprint this new awareness, the coach’s task is to (re)confirm with the client that the desired outcome is achieved and that the client feels committed to acting upon it.
From a coaching perspective, it is essentially important to keep the client on the track of what the client wants to achieve. In the same time, for the client is important to have clarity about the process – clarity about the progress and the transformation which is happening along the way. Clarity is crucial at every stage of a coaching session and it is recommended to check-in periodically during the session the level of client’s clarity.
To support the perspective on clarity, please feel free to check my power tool Clarity vs. Chaos. This power tool can be used at any stage of the ARROW coaching model.
Enjoy living Your dreams!