A Coaching Model Created by Gaëlle Bovy
(Career and Well Being Coach, THAILAND)
As a coach, consultant and human being, I strongly believe our mind, body and spirit are connected. They all have an impact on each other and in order to have a fulfilling and balanced life, we should take into consideration these 3 dimensions.
Path to the new you” is designed to help people who want to work on their body, mind and spirit. Separately (put capital) or on 2 or 3 dimensions together. The aim is to be able to support you, depending on your specific needs and help with a holistic approach.
This process is a support for a client’s life transformation. It helps to discover more about who you are on a deeper level, and invites you to reinvent yourselves before moving into action.
It is created for people who want to make changes in their life. When I refer to change, I’m talking about long lasting transformational changes. It is designed for busy people who are so overwhelmed with their day-to-day life, with their responsibilities at work and home that they reach a high level of stress, burn-out, illness, fatigue that they lose the connection with themselves, their bodies and their spirit.
Maybe you are in a certain routine, you know it’s not optimal but you don’t have time to think, to complain or the energy to change. You continue until one day when you feel inside you that something NEEDS to happen differently NOW.
You know it’s not the way you want to live for the next 5 years.
The first step is to Identify your need, your desire. It will determine on which level you are seeking support. Is the need coming from the mind, body and/or the spirit? To determine that, I have created an assessment tool that is to be taken at the beginning of the coaching process.
The second part is called Dreaming and is about connecting to your aspirations, dreams and ideal life, without any limitation. Exercises like visualization is proposed as such techniques help you to connect back to ideal aspects of your life.
Step three, Understand resistance is about discovering who you are without the influence of your education, without your fears and limiting beliefs. It’s about learning your core values to reach fulfillment and determine the talents that make you special.
This phase is crucial to challenge your thoughts, to get rid of what’s holding you back and free to be the human being you are deep inside.
The fourth step Reinventing myself is about choosing to live your life according to the person you actually are and determine your (new) beliefs and (new) thoughts. It’s about choosing to honor your values, honor yourself rather than living a life because of other people’s projection, education, fears or limited beliefs.
The fifth step Planning is about defining the goal you want to achieve, the structure to support you and set-up key actions to achieve it. The sixth step, Support is the phase where the coach supports you, in case of ups and downs or difficulties along the way, to reach the objective.
The last step is the Celebration, is the moment of joy where you realize your learning, your accomplishments and celebrate your achievements.
Path to the new you
Questions to ask yourself
Identify the need, desire
Where am I?
What is my current state in each category? (cfr Assessment body, mind and spirit)
Where do I want to make a change?
Where do I feel something needs to happen?
Benefits of change
What are my thoughts and feelings about this change?
How is it going to improve my life? What would be the benefits of change?
What makes it important?
What will making this one change lead to in my future?
Understand resistance
What makes me resist making this important change?
Are there any fears about making this change?
Am I afraid of change?
What has been preventing me so far?
What do my habits look like?
What are my limited thoughts?
What are my limited beliefs?
What are my limited behaviors?
What’s the most positive vision I have about my life?
What does it look like?
If there were no constraints, what would my life look like?
How do I ideally see myself?
What about creating a Vision Board about that life, that new you.
Reinventing myself
What are my new thoughts and affirmations?
What am I grateful for?
What kind of positive emotions am I living?
What are my new beliefs?
What are my new behaviors?
What are my passions?
What are my talents?
What are my values?
What are my resources, my strengths?
What does my personality look like?
What or who inspires me?
What motivates me? What gives me energy?
What’s taking my energy?
What does my ideal environment look like?
What’s a strong decision I must make?
What’s my goal? Define it in a SMART way
What does the planning look like?
What is the structure and who will support me?
Who is my accountable buddy?
How will I celebrate my success?
What are my accomplishments/successes?
How do I feel about my success?
What has been blocking me?
What will I continue?
What’s my learning and take-away?
What do I want to acknowledge for myself?
What is my reward for honoring myself?