A Coaching Model Created by Erich Jordan
(Professional Training Coach, SOUTH AFRICA)
My coaching model is inspired by the ancient Hebrew people who were among the first, if not the first to break free from a cyclic view of time governed by seasonal change and view it as a linear movement through history governed by Vision. The Old Testament reflects on how, as moving from Peek to Peak they learned to maintain their vision and the sad consequences of their failing to do so.
My coaching model is a humble further reflection on the belief, that what we ‘Look’ at in life determines what we ‘See’ and what we see is what we ‘Become’. It’s a model committed to creating movement and to freeing people from the mundane and repetitive cycles of life through Dream Casting.
The Process
The model comprises two phases: ‘The Beginning of Movement’ and ‘The Power of Movement’. The first concerns the Context and Self-Awareness needed to create action by helping clients understand where they are, how and why they are there and why they want to create a new life reality. The second phase deals with the power dreams have, once ‘caught’ as Vision, to change the shape of our lives, to draw us into their reality. It recognises a shift in the Direction of Movement, beginning with our ‘casting’ for Vision in the spiritual dream pools of life and ends with the Vision drawing us into this future.
The Beginning of Movement
The Context of Movement addresses the coaching relationship and the environment needed to foster action. Focused commitment, trust, honesty and curiosity are needed by both coach and client in order to meet each other on common ground.
Once the ‘where’ has been addressed, the ‘why’ and ‘how’ need to be explored. For sustainable change to be authentic, time needs to be spent on then Underlying Beliefs & Values and the Choices & Circumstances that have brought us to where we are. These may need to be reframed or re-articulated before movement to Where We Dream to Be can begin.
The Power of Movement
The Power of Movement begins with us consciously employing our imagination to create possible future scenarios or dreamscapes. As we bait hooks with our Values and Life Purpose we cast into these pools until we hook the Vision that captures our heart and mind.
The Direction of Movement at this stage is of the dreamer developing the dream. The hooked Vision becomes clearer as the Dream Caster sees more intently what they are looking at. The future has changed shape and looks quite different now.
As faith in the Vision begins to grow, the Direction of Movement changes as the dream begins to develop the dreamer. As this happens, the present reality begins to conform to that of the Vision world. The dreamer is now being pulled along by the Vision and presses on towards their goals through the power of the dream rather than their own will power and resolve.