A Coaching Model Created by Eric Ludeke
(Transformational Coach, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA)
There is a children’s riddle which asks, How many sides does a circle have? The answer is two: an inside and an outside. You might say that a person is like that, too.
Each human being, although unique and infinitely complex, bears similarities to many other individuals. These similarities allow us to learn about one person by studying others. Some people have become experts in the ways that the body functions, while others study the mind. Still others ponder the way we relate to other people, or to God.
Many people may study you from the outside, but only you have had the opportunity to do so from the inside. The awesome and special work of art that is you – your heart, mind, soul and body – is one that you have inhabited and used all your life. You are the worldwide expert in its operation, and no one is better qualified than yourself to manage and pilot your own life.
Life is, however, a team effort. Wise people realize this and build their personal teams carefully. An important member of this group is your Happiness Coach. Your Coach will provide an extra brain for you to use as you look inward. He will ask powerful questions to provoke new insight into yourself; your unique needs, and your personal gifts.
And he will listen.
As you express your ideas, discuss your experiences, and share your hopes for the future, you will clarify them and better know yourself. You may find that you make wiser decisions because you have examined more of your options before acting upon them. Through learning to better understand and appreciate yourself, you will more fully utilize your strengths, thereby making your life more effective and more enjoyable.
This brings us to the subject of happiness. Poets and singers have long celebrated this emotion; kings and philosophers have pursued it, often without success. It may seem elusive or even impossible to find, and yet many studies have shown that the happiest people in the world have a number of things in common. Each of these factors is effective alone, but combinations are better, and all of them are dependent on the way we think about ourselves and our world. The best part is that these factors have nothing to do with luck or good looks or how much stuff you’ve got.
Your inborn talents, your cultivated skills, and the passions that make you come alive, together with the values you hold dear, contain many of the keys to your happiness.
With the help of your Coach you will discover your unique qualities, overcome crippling fears, and gain new perspective on who you really are and where you’re going. Through the process of Recasting, you will convert tragedy, trauma, and physical and emotional pain into opportunity, momentum and purpose.
Your Coach will neither offer opinions, nor prescribe courses of action, but will encourage your exploration of new horizons, as well as your contentment with what is currently working for you. He may point out things about you or your situation which you are yet to see and will offer information and additional resources when appropriate.
The self-disclosure involved in this voyage will require the utmost in trust between you and your coach. Only in an environment of total security is it possible to fully experience the power of self-revelation. Your coach will hold all information in absolute confidence, being patient and courteous as you work together to explore the complex layers of your inner self and find the keys to your fulfillment.
The second world which your coach will help you explore is the one outside yourself. In your quest for happiness, it is critical to realize that, though the keys to the treasure lie within, the locks that those keys can open will not be found while your focus is on yourself.
Ancient writings proclaim the blessing that is received as the result of giving. A gift may consist of valuable goods, money, time and effort, or simply a kind word. Ultimately we ourselves are the gift, and in the recognition of self as a valuable gift, we are blessed indeed.
As you gain appreciation for what you have to offer, and turn your attention from inward to outward, you will have opportunities for a change in perspective. Looking at something from a new angle will often bring greater appreciation of it. Your conversations with your coach will help you to see the best aspects of your past, and the opportunities and benefits of your current situation. You will seek your personal destiny with increasing boldness as you learn to use your strengths, knowing that you have chosen well from your available options.
A simple adjustment in your diet or lifestyle, a new way of looking at things or just a chance to talk and be heard can make a world of difference in your quality of life.
Remember, life is a team effort. We get only one trip through, but it’s never too late to start enjoying life to the fullest. Your Happiness Coach is eager to see you begin.