A Coaching Model Created by Donnie Wells
(Transition Coach & Leadership Coach, UNITED STATES)
Unbounded Self-Love/Care
Client Can Be
Energy Focus
Spirit Acknowledgement
Why is coaching important to me?
Life is constantly changing and is filled with transitions. I have a strong passion for life and business coaching because the intersection of personal, spiritual, and professional life is critical. We, as human beings, have a very short time on this planet and how we spend our time matters. Live changes and transitions are real, so our life choices are important. My coaching practice focuses on life transitions and helps clients create & navigate successful action plans.
Ideal Client:
Individuals that desire growth in their intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual selves. Molding success will focus on clients that are interested in doing the hard work of self-mastery and fully own their life choices. Clients that can afford to pay the 6 month – 12 session program priced up to $3,000. The venue will be remote meetings using zoom or telephone and the client would be comfortable with that twice per month.
Ultimately, the ideal client strives to co-create and mold their present and future success.
Why is molding success so important to me?
The view that each individual has on success is vital. Understanding our purpose, daily intention, and motivation for life can create wonderful momentum. Helping clients develop clarity around self-mastery and unbounded self-love in a daily approach will relieve pressure and self-criticism. Helping clients better understand what they can be in the present moment will provide leverage as they navigate life transitions. Narrowing a client’s focus on where they gain energy and how they rejuvenate themselves weekly can help them during tough life circumstances. Finally, helping clients explore their spirituality will assist them to grab hold of new learning, knowledge, and awareness. Molding Success focuses on the whole person: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. This coaching practice is most successful as ideal clients bring a willingness to learn, adapt, and grow.
Client Self Mastery – (Destiny’s Odyssey)
Self-Mastery is the ability to recognize, understand, control, and make the most out of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self. It gives your control over the one thing you can control in any given situation: yourself.
Outcomes: The client will become more aware of themselves and the relationship that mastering their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors become more intentional. They let go of success measures falling outside of their control and will celebrate accomplishments in life focused more exclusively on “what they do control”.
Unbounded Self-Love/Care – (Luzinski)
When it comes to self-love, you can’t have enough; in other words, you need a strong sense of self-love before you can love others. Of course, different people have different definitions of what self-love means to them. Someone may define self-love as making sure that how they live their life promotes their overall well-being and that they continually do everything in their power to live their happiest life. Yet someone else may reframe any negative thinking they have about themselves into positive thoughts. No matter how you celebrate self-love, a common denominator is that self-love is about self-acceptance.
Outcomes: The client gains clarity on ways to show themselves appreciation and celebrate themselves. They shift away from self-critique and judgment. They create action plans that generate daily self-care.
Client Can Be:
Understanding one’s being as it relates to daily intention, life purpose, passions, and strengths are vital to success.
Outcomes: The client will become aware of the importance and value they bring to this world. They will explore their natural strengths, abilities, and talents. They will become aware of their natural state of “being” and celebrate their life.
Client Energy Focus:
The time and energy that any individual possesses are finite, meaning that there are limitations. Having a clear vision of where to place energy as each day unfolds can be both purposeful and/or haphazard.
Outcomes: The client will gain awareness of what brings them joy and rejuvenates their energy levels. They will become more intentional with the practice of self-renewal and how that relates to self-care.
Client Strengths:
Understanding one’s strengths is an important element of defining success.
Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really: Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn’t at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it, so go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because remember that’s where you will find success. – Thomas J. Watson, American businessman, and industrialist
Outcomes: The client will shift their perspective from “fear of failure” to “failure is a great teacher”. They will become more confident in their strengths and take on a daily practice of self-acknowledgment.
Spirit Acknowledgement:
Believing in a higher power beyond human understanding is important. Where does new knowledge come from exactly? The following questions are inspired by Deah Curry Ph.D., CPC.
Outcomes: The client will tackle questions surrounding their spirituality. They will become more aware of seeking knowledge and understanding from a higher power than themselves. The client will experience
spiritual development, which is about cultivating transformative awareness, deep empathy and natural wisdom, living a life of service, and having tolerance and integrity — all virtues that can and should apply, no matter what religious framework one believes in. Curry
The foundation for Molding Success is anchored in the Holy Scripture.
Matthew 22:37-39 New International Version (NIV) – 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
Clients interested in growing personally, spiritually, and professionally will create their own success story over a six month / 12 session program.
Bibliography & Works Cited
Nimbus Web. “Why pausing is so important.” Nimbus Web Helper Blog, Posted on March 22, 2018, https://nimbusweb.me/blog/why-pausing-is-so-important/
Destiny’s Odyssey. “Self-Mastery”, http://destinysodyssey.com/personal-development/self-mastery/
Natalia Luzinski. “11 Women On What Self-Love Means To Them.” Bustle, Posted Jul 27, 2018, https://www.bustle.com/p/11-women-on-what-self-love-means-to-them-9910840
Deah Curry Ph.D., CPC. “Five Transformative Questions Your Spirituality Coach Should Ask You.” Posted on April 28, 2011, https://www.noomii.com/blog/2072-five-transformative-questions-your-spirituality-coach-should-ask-you
The Holy Bible: New International Version. Zondervan, 1984.
Assessments& Resources
Personality Type: https://www.personalityperfect.com/16-personality-types/
DiSC Profile: https://www.discprofile.com/what-is-disc/overview/
Strengths Profile: https://store.gallup.com/p/en-us/10108/top-5-cliftonstrengths
Love Language: https://www.5lovelanguages.com/
Setting Boundaries: https://www.boundariesbooks.com/