A Coaching Model Created by Laura Cho Yee Swe Myint
(Career & Executive Coach, MYANMAR)
Coaching is a powerful tool to help clients unleash their potential with the support of the coach. A coach helps the client discover what he/she isn’t aware of the things in them and make good use of their full potential to reach their goals. Being a career coach, I have been coaching millennials to find their authentic careers that they love unleashing their full potential. The clients come to me for coaching when they don’t know which career to go for or they are not happy in their careers and they feel at a loss without knowing what to do to feel satisfaction in their daily working life. Then I support my clients with my coaching model DIVE to find out what is the career that they enjoy doing feeling fulfillment.
What is DIVE?
D stands for Discovery. In this initial stage, the coach asks a client a set of questionnaires to find out more about themselves. Nearly everyone thinks they know well about themselves, but the truth is we rarely spend dedicated time to learn about ourselves. Discovery questions help the client know oneself to have a clear understanding of what are the things that he likes, what kind of personality does he have, how does he prefer working with others including their supervisors, and what does he need for his financial requirements. Discovering in the sea of one’s own self creates self-awareness to have a better understanding of themselves.
I stand for Intention. As the saying goes, “Where your focus goes, your energy flows”, intention leads us the way where to put the focus on. It is like a radar finding the right path to bring to the destination. In this stage, the coach partners with the client to generate the options that are available to him taking into consideration the current skills and experiences. What kind of career will he like to work on? In which working environment will he thrive? What are his expectations for the new career? etc. Those coaching questions help trigger the intention for the client to put the focus on moving forward.
V stands for Values-finding. According to the dictionary, the value means principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgment of what is important in life. Knowing our own values plays a key role in whatever decision we make in life. If our actions are not aligned with our values, we will not feel fulfilled. In this stage, the coach gives a value worksheet to the client to explore the top five values which are important in life. When the client knows his core values, he can align those when choosing a career and also with the organization’s values that he will work for.
E stands for Execution. At the final stage of the coaching journey, the coach partners with the client to move into action. After having self-awareness, the areas to be focused on, and identifying the core values, the client executes the plan to move into a fulfilling career. Regarding the execution, the coach sets the milestone in each process to check on the progress and acknowledge the client’s effort. This stage is where the client feels the shift in his career and feels fulfilled to unleash his potential in the right career for him.
Let’s DIVE together to Own Your Career!