A Coaching Model Created by Dalia Sakr
(Life Coach, EGYPT)
Deep Change
The coaching session starts with identifying the change to be achieved by the end of the session. It’s the goal.
Reality & Reframing perspectives
The next step is to become aware of the current reality of the client.
Eliminate Struggle & Emotions
When the client eliminate their struggles they know the meaning of their goal.
The coach acknowledge the client.
Once the client has explored their current reality. They are able to explore the options available to them.
The coach helps the client to generate as many options as possible and discuss them to creating opportunities and help the client determine what small actions they will now take.
Move Forward
Once the current options have been explored, clients know how to achieve their goals.
This knowledge alone is not enough. The client needs to move forward and to have the will to work on the options to reach their goals.
The coach motivates the client in gain clarity and commit to actions.
What would you put in place to make this goal easier to achieve.
How are you going to celebrate reaching this magnificent goal?