A Coaching Model Created by Corina Pall
(Transformational Coach, UNITED KINGDOM)
There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.
My coaching model is based on the book I read called E² by Pam Grout. This model is designed for all my clients, who are questioning themselves if there is more to life than what our eyes can see.
We all want to live our lives in an authentic and unique way, where we can fulfil the highest truest expression of ourselves as human beings. There are moments when, most of us feel that there is more to life than what is seen through the window of our eyes. Some people call it God, others might call it infinite life force. Quantum physics defines the field as “invisible moving forces that influence the physical realm”. Albert Einstein for example, claimed no belief in the traditional God, but he was absolutely convinced there was something a whole juicier in the cosmos.
According to The Dude Abide Principles which says that “there is an invisible energy force or field of infinite possibilities”, and the Alby Einsten Principle completes it by adding that“ you, too, are a field of energy”, we are all connected with this field of infinite possibilities and we impact the field and draw from it according to our beliefs and expectations.
So, where do we begin? Everything starts in our mind, with an idea or an intention. Seemingly looking impossible! Everything was once impossible until someone dared to be courageous and make it possible. We all owe this world to people who dared! But now is our time. What can we do to change or make a difference to our lives? Simply, just learning how to shape and change the mind. Is that easy? No. But it’s possible!
- Focus your attention. There is no change, until we consciously decide to make a change. What would you like to be different in your life right now? Focusing your full attention on the things you want to manifest in your live, and leave everything else a side. For example, if you want to lose weight, focus on what you eat and how much you exercise. Stop wondering about the scale and the digits. Have your full attention on the things that are under your control.
- Be open minded. Have a mind that’s open to everything in the Universe and attached to nothing. The field of potentiality is a force that’s equally available to everyone. We all have access to it, and we all have the power in us to impact the field and draw from it according to our beliefs and expectations. What shows up in our lives is a direct reflection of our thoughts and emotions. Neuroscientists tell us that our thoughts and believes always affect the physical reality. But we refuse to believe it unless we see it.
- Increase your levels of awareness. We start noticing new things when they enter our sphere of awareness. For example, you see a TV commercial for a new hair shampoo. Suddenly, you seem to see that shampoo everywhere. In every shop that comes your way, in every magazine that you pick up, and all your friends seem to talk about it. You start wondering how come you haven’t noticed it until now?
- Release limitations. Negativity and fear start the minute we are born. Don’t do this, don’t you dare do that! In this way we learn to limit ourselves and stay within our comfort zone, where we feel safe and secure. How can we grow and develop if we keep pacing up and down the same path where we feel the most comfortable?
- Whatever we focus on expands. The only way to reach your destination is to focus your full attention on it. Menacing distractions are part of the journey. In order to avoid them, there is no need for physical work. Everything takes place in your mind. Training your mind to have the full attention focused on what you want needs a lot of willingness and awareness. Every time we think anything – we influence the field of possibility. And the reason why we control our lives is because every thought we have is an energy wave that affects everything else in the Universe.
- Trust your intuition or internal guidance. We all have access to inner assistance when we hardly think of it. Stay still and pay attention to your body. Immediate, direct guidance is available 24/7. We only have to listen to it. How can you trust that it will work out if you can’t see the force behind it?
- Not being enough or having enough. The Universe is limitless, abundant and strangely accommodating. And you are too! When you allow your heart and mind to connect with the infinite life force, that’s when you are the most resourceful, creative and powerful. We all spend a lot of energy worrying that we are not good enough or worthy enough and that we don’t have enough time. However, the truth is that we are enough, and have enough time for the things that really matter in our lives. How would you like to channel your energy?
- Relax and enjoy the ride. Everything is going to be okay. We all take ourselves very seriously in this experiment called life. There is nothing wrong with that. Sometimes, just being present with ourselves is enough. Stressing and forcing things to happen won’t help. Just be!
All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. Ralph Waldo Emerson