Plan your desired outcomes
Once you have identified what are the things that matter the most to you, we will work on developing what actions must be taken in order to close the gaps between the life you have and life you desire
Recognize and celebrate your accomplishments
Living in this agitated world, we are in a constant race against time and against ourselves and we don’t stop to breathe and look at all the things we have accomplished. In our process we will also learn to celebrate very step we take, every milestone we get and really give the right value to what moving forward means. What if every time you achieved a goal you take the time to celebrate, before you move to the next goal?
Influence the results you have in your life
We cannot change the things that happen in our lives but we can choose how to react to them. It is not the events in our lives that make us sad, frustrated, excited or angry. It is the way we think about these events. What kind of questions are you asking when something happen? Are you responding or are you reacting? Are you blaming of taking responsibility? By changing the kind of questions you ask when something happen and choosing a more positive approach you will be capable of coming up with better results. Change your interpretation; change how you respond and bang; you can begin to better influence the results you produce in your life…
Nurture your spirit with powerful thoughts
By nurturing your spirit you create more joy in your life. Being in a joyful state connects you to your creative power. Your subconscious mind or spirit creates everything in your life based on the messages and information you send to it. Your messages to your subconscious mind are your thoughts, beliefs and actions. If you don’t think you’re capable of accomplishing your goals — you’ll never accomplish any of them. If you don’t think there are enough opportunities for you — you’ll never find the right opportunity however if you send only powerful messages to your spirit, possibilities will be endless.
Gain continues awareness about yourself
“The only constant is change” Heraclitus 500 BC. Through our lives we are in a continuous transformation process. As new information come in our lives we will lose balance and we should work to get back in alignment. We are always experiencing expansion and collapse. It is an open process and you will constantly experience that you will reach a point when your old beliefs will collapse and new awareness will emerge, so it is really important that you learn how to let go old ideas and be open to embrace new ones so you can truly evolve.
Useyour new insights to face everyday challenges
The purpose of every process is to really integrate the new discoveries and learning in your life, make it part of who you are. It is not easy to be in permanent balance but the key is to be able to realize when there is a gap and make the necessary changes to get centered again.
With your new gained insights it will start becoming easier to face difficult challenge as you will be better prepared to listen to your inner self and will be able to shift any disempowering perspective into new more positive ones.
Potentiate your best life
When you have clarity of your values and your purpose and you have designed the actions you want to take to get closer to your desired life, you are ready to live at your best. This will be an ongoing process and as your coach I will always be there to support and empower you.
Begin your journey!!