The element of water slows down to consider how one feels about the new opportunities or inspirations. This can be a stage of great of excitement, but it is also the stage where fears, insecurities, and stories that either support or don’t support their progress exist. Therefore, this phase will require active listening and powerful questions to bring awareness to the client any areas of their feelings that may make moving forward difficult and support them in finding a supportive way to move beyond those feelings.
Explorations a coach and a client may want to take in this phase are:
Spirit check in: How do these align with client’s values, purpose, mission, etc.
Examples of blocks that may keep a client from moving forward from here.
With Air, the energy picks up again with the brainstorming of options and planning. This is the phase where one has determined what they want to do, explored their emotions and emotional challenges, created some supportive beliefs and ways to manage fears and are now ready to put together their plan to make their goal happen.
Explorations a coach and client may want to take in this phase are:
Spirit check in: How do these align with client’s values, purpose, mission, etc.
Examples of blocks that may keep a client from moving forward from here.
Earth energy slows back down again as this is where the rubber meets the road, the groundwork has been laid, and now action begins. Earth is pragmatic and solid, hence the saying “down to earth.” If one enters earlier in the model (Fire, Water or Air) Earth is where action occurs. The action is supported by the foundation and planning that the client has established. Earth, however, may also be an entry point into the model as the current situation a client is in.
Explorations a coach and a client may want to take during this stage
Spirit check in: How do these align with client’s values, purpose, mission, etc.
Examples of blocks that may keep a client from moving forward from here
Returns back to fire
In most cases, each person can look to the past to see how our current life situation has been created. The creative process occurs whether each person is actively engaged in it or not. However, by using the creative process through the Classical Element energies model one can provide a tool for clients to take the reigns and create a life on their terms. The creation of anything has times of ups and downs, highs and lows, and this model allows one to be able to create a flow through this process on their way to the life they choose to build. The creative process using classical elemental energies allows one’s life to become a work of art.