A Coaching Model Created by Cheri Tibbs-Voellmann
(Executive & Life Coach, UNITED STATES)
In search of greater understanding of the world we live in, ancient civilizations from many cultures turned to the classical elements. It is in the nature of the classical elements of fire, water, air and earth that these cultures found the basic essence that could be found in all other things. Thousands of years later, and through great advances in sciences, many can still see and use the wisdom to be found in philosophies around the classical elements.
One such belief is that each of these elements contains the nature of certain energies. When connected up, these energies create a beautiful picture of the creative process. When one considers the world full of creationary energy and how it connects with what one does and believes, it is easy to see how the creative process is a vital tool in the development of the life one wants.
The following is a list of the classical elements along with energies that connect with the creative process.
Fire: Passion, Inspiration, Opportunity
Water: Emotions, Stories
Air: Thought, Planning
Earth: Action, Situation
Some cultures add in a 5th element, spirit, to represent the metaphysical philosophies. There is a place in the creative process for the 5th element of spirit, when one couples it with the reasons for what they are wanting to create.
Spirit: Mission, Purpose, Values, Higher Self
When looking at the diagram below, one can see the process of creating one’s life using the energies of the classical elements is a cycle that:
- Passes through each element and it’s energies
- Checks in with spirit
- Works through blocks before moving on to the next element
The journey through the Creative Process
Though the model could be started at any point along the way and even worked backwards for understanding the hows and whys something was created. For the purpose of this example, the explanation will start with Fire and move forward through the model.
The element of fire is full of high energy, and the excitement associated with an inspiration or a presented opportunity. Inspirations and opportunities mean the beginning of a new adventure.
Explorations a coach and a client may want to take in this phase are:
Spirit check in: How do these align with client’s values, purpose, mission, etc.
Examples of blocks that may keep a client from moving forward onto Water (Emotions).