A Coaching Model Created by Chanel Flores
“Follow the P.A.T.H” is a coaching model for Life Purpose Coaches to use with clients who want to find and fulfill God’s purpose in their life.
The visual representation shows the client following the path by taking the steps needed to narrow down his or her options in order to reach the ultimate goal of walking in his or her purpose.
One’s journey along the P.A.T.H begins with:
P-onder where you are now and whether or not you want change. Why?
Motivation fuels change, so a client will be most successful if beginning the process with a clear understanding of where he or she wants to go and the driving force behind that.
A-ssess your gifts, skills, interests, passions, experiences and values.
Everyone has something unique to bring to the world. Look at the different elements that make you who you are.
T-hink about the correlation between the areas assessed and generate a list of options.
Try to find the overlap in as many areas as possible. Be open to exploring different possibilities for ministry or career options.
H-ave faith as you create and implement the steps needed to walk in your purpose.
Choose what speaks to you most. Pray about it and seek confirmation. If there are obstacles in sight, do you believe that God will fill in the gaps? Decide what you can do to start moving forward.