A Coaching Model Created by Bridgette Raynolds-Perry
(Transitional Coach, UNITED STATES)
Clients are in search of something when they hire a coach: a way to achieve a goal, a plan of action, an answer to a why. They perhaps feel stagnant in the current version of their life, unable to create momentum or change. Whatever the reason for the hire they feel that they cannot find the answers for themselves. The job of the coach is to partner with the client to realize that the answers are in fact within them. There is more in you than you know!
Curiosity & Conversation
The coach and client both share a deep curiosity about the client. Through conversation they discover beliefs and truths that the client has but may not have realized. This knowledge helps move the client to a deep understanding and confidence to trust that there is more inside of themselves. That “more” is individual to the client. It is the missing link that they need to know to move to the place they want to be.
Commitment & Change
Once the “more” has been discovered the coach and client continue to partner to establish how the client will use this new knowledge to enact big change. The conversation continues and the client finds empowerment in creating an action plan and is more likely to commit to the plan because they have determined the plan for themselves. This commitment leads the client to the change they want.
The true mark of success in this coaching model is that the client leaves the coaching relationship with the realization that they always have the answers inside themselves. The “more” is there, the versions of the client that they want to be are there, the answers are there. The self awareness and introspection that they gain will be invaluable tools to tackling future goals with success.