A Coaching Model Created by Bolor Choijamts Lorinet
(Life Coach, SINGAPORE)
Model of Life Coaching BOLOR LORINET
Clients come to coaching because they want a change. They want a better life – MORE love, fulfilling and meaningful work, better relationships, more revenues andprosperity. They want LESS stress, confusion and suffering. And sometimes, they have important goals to achieve – to become fit, to start a business, to get a job.
Clients may have tried to make the changes on their own albeit without lasting success. Change is not easy, especially changing habits that have been so ingrained that they become a part of who we are. Clients come to coaching because they face obstacles and barriers that stop them from achieving all of the above. Often, they find themselves stuck and unable to move forward.
Coaching isn’t just about problem solving and getting results, although over time problems will be solved and results will be achieved in an effective coaching relationship. Coaches are not cheerleaders or those who nag their clients to get things done.
Coaching is essentially about 3 things: awareness, choice and action, which are the cornerstones of my coaching model. Through coaching, clients gain awareness and clarity about where the gaps and opportunities are for growth in their lives. They explore their choices about the actions they can take or not to take. They act based on their awareness and choice and they learn from their actions. My model explains what fundamentals need to
be in place for a successful achievement of these outcomes (see Fundamental principles of the model and Coaching alliance). It also describes the contexts that coach draws from in coaching interactions (Listening, Observing, Validating and Empowering).
Fundamental principles of the model
My model is based on the fundamental principles held by ICF (International Coaching Federation), which honour the client as an expert in his/her life and work and believes that every client is creative, resourceful and whole. The coaching process is focused on the client, driven by the client and for the client.
Coach believes in the client’s capability of finding his/her own answers and solutions and perceives the client as a whole person with heart, mind, body and spirit. Coach works with the client in a coaching relationship as an equal partner for the purpose of meeting the clients needs.
Coaching alliance
In order for the coaching to be effective, coach and clients need to work together to design an effective working relationship that fits their working and learning styles. Having a clear agreement defining the process, expected outcome and mutual responsibility of client and coach is a key to creating an environment of trust and safety. An environment of trust and safety is also created through ensuring that the coaching conversation takes place in a confidential and non-judgemental space. It is a place where clients can tell the whole truth of what they have done and not done, without worrying about what the coach will say. It is a space where clients can count on honest and objective interaction from a coach that is not tainted by emotions and/or personal agenda. Coach holds a space for clients to explore, to experiment and to dream without limitation.
On the other hand, for coaching to work there must be a commitment on both sides. On the part of the client, commitment to exploring, changing, learning, risk taking, persevering despite the challenges and to investing time and energy is crucial. Coaches, in turn, need to be fully committed to their clients and their ultimate goals while being detached from any particular course of action or any results clients may achieve.
What is coaching?
Through coaching, clients gain awareness and clarity about their current reality (where they are now) and their desired future (where they want to go). Clients’ desired future might include, especially at first, external measures of success: a great job or promotion, more money or a certain lifestyle. Ultimately, coaching will progress to a deeper definition of clients’ ideal life based on their vision, values, strengths, passion and purpose. When clients become clear about what they truly value in their life, what they are great at and what makes their heart sing, they are able to see where the gaps and opportunities are for growth in their lives.