Out Come Measure Phase:
In this phase coachee and coach deliberates on the result and put measures of change and advancement. The measures here may also include ‘feeling ‘level indicators, like ‘feel much more in control of handling time pressure’ etc. If coachee wants she can invite her line manager also to be part of the measure recording. Coachee optionally also can use the visioning exercise to draw a long term vision to go forward with.
Appendix I
Description of Integrated Coaching Tracker (ICT)
The Integrated Coaching Tracker tool (ICT), records and guides the whole lifecycle of the coaching engagement with a particular client. The process and tool is flexible enough to be appropriately modified to meet the specific needs of the engagement. If the coachee is not very comfortable to use the tool directly on computer during the coaching sessions it can also be used off line.
The first tab of the tool is to collect basic information of coach and coachee. Then the tool has 6 tabs to record the discussions and understanding of 6 different sessions generally planned between the coach and the coachee.
Other than these seven tabs ICT has four other tabs:
- Prioritization Plan (this tab is placed after the tab meant for the first session) is used for classifying and selecting the inputs collected in the pre-coaching sessions and suitably converge them to few areas on which the coachee can give full focus.
- Visioning (this tab is placed after the tab meant for the second session) is used for visioning of the coachee what she wants to do. Focus is feed forward while anchoring on the past wow experiences.
- PDP (this tab is placed after the tab meant for the third session) This is to integrate the accepted suggestion of the stakeholders surrounding the coachee and his / her own vision and break them to workable plan which can be pursued with focussed effort. This is a live document which need be referred to during the next few sessions to help collaborative follow up in pursuing the changes in the focus areas.
- Long Term Plan (this tab is placed after the tab meant for the final session) is used for visioning of the coachee what she wants to do in the long term and to help her to draw an overall plan for next 3 years or more.
In the next paragraphs each of these tools are described in details and how they are used and what values they bring in.
Prioritization Plan: This is the keyto consolidate and process various inputs from stake holders or psychometric tools. This helps the coachee to delve into the ‘blind spot’ of Johari window. The approach here is that the coachee and coach go through inputs from different sources together and coachee identifies inputs which have value or significance to him / her. She notes both relevant strengths and areas of improvements suggested from the specific source and put them in the corresponding space provided for that instrument / feedback source. She onlyselects top 3 / 4 items from that source according to her and record them in the corresponding designated boxes
After collecting all the inputs from all the sources the coachee consolidates them in two stages. First she consolidates the inputs from different sources into two lists. They are a list for areas to improve and list for strength areas. After that they are merged into a single list of areas to focus on either for improvement or for leveraging better for generating greater value.
While doing the short listing the coachee may use the value – effort matrix to prioritize. Obviously changes which can be incorporated with less effort and high value should get more priority than the one have opposite characteristics.
Visioning: (Focusing on the work life balance while charting the good future) This is the most powerful tool for this method and is the central piece. The tool recognizes the need of ‘work life’ and ‘personal life’ balance and tries to look for the same through feed forward.
First the coachee remembers 3 / 4 most important milestone she has achieved in the past which has given her maximum happiness. They are then mapped to 4 main areas of influence of the coachee: 1) Self and family 2) her team 3) her clients 4) friends and society at large. Point to note that while 2 and 3 are directly related to work life 1 and 4 are focussing to personal life of the coachee. The examples of the past prepare the coachee to be ready to feed forward. She then focuses on the future (not more than 12 months) and think of what achievement would give her similar or more happiness in each of these areas. She thinks of them without restricting her mind to any constraint especially that of band width. She puts those ideas in the table available on the left hand side of the sheet.
PDP: The PDP stands for personal development plan which is done by the coachee after identifying the areas she wants to work on and make a detail plan for the ultimate execution. The format is suggestive and the coachee can change it as per her convenience. It also provides a simple means of connecting vision goals with areas to focus on identified earlier. Ultimate results / outcomes of coaching engagement depend on how well this plan is executed. The focus here to take cognizance of what Peter Drucker said ‘the greatest wisdom not applied to action and behaviour is meaningless data’. This is the document which is used for collaborative follow up as this model believes that successful execution can only happen with sustained disciplined follow up.
Long Term Plan: Is the final outcome of the coaching engagement and is optional. This is a modified visioning document. Having tested the good effect of visioning in shorter time frame coachee may choose to do a feed forward in longer time frame and record the same for pursuing in the future.