A Coaching Model Created by Bianca Vlad
(Life Coach, ROMANIA)
Coaching allows you to discover, create and integrate your truth into your life. Through coaching, you will become focused and aligned with your values, living your life with awareness, integrity and choice.
Be the Best You!
coaching model is a simple approach to support you in actualizing your inner potential. The visual representation of this model is an upward spiral, as a metaphor for growth. The belief behind an upward spiral is that people are not fixed entities and they evolve continuously. At the base of the model lays the coaching relationship. We will start by defining coaching process roles and set expectations. As a coach, I believe you hold within yourself the answers you seek. I provide the structure, guidance, support and encouragement to facilitate the coaching process. You will come with the agenda, commitment and ready to put effort to meet your goals. We will walk together on this journey, we will identify and face challenges, celebrate successes and relish new discoveries. My goal is for you to gain freedom, courage to live the life you want and eventually to continue growing beyond the coaching space. In terms of structure and duration, the model has five phases that usually take at least three months to complete. While regularly the flow is ascendant – going bottom up, there might be moments when the flow goes top down, as learning new skills is not a linear process.
In the first phase – Define Vision, you will develop the big picture of your goals and what you want to obtain from the coaching process. We will talk about what is important to you, what are your priorities and where you want to go next in your journey. Your goals may be related to professional development or they might focus on personal areas and social life. Nevertheless we will keep a holistic approach, as the different areas of an individual’s life are interconnected. The outcome of this phase is a clear definition of the vision for how you want to improve your life.
In the second phase – Who You Are, we will take a deep look at who you are and your life purpose. We will talk about your strength areas and values. We will analyze your skills, experience and resources you have and you can leverage in order to bring your vision to reality. Additionally, we will consider the bigger context you are part of and external factors that might facilitate or impede your journey to success. This means keeping a systemic approach: your change will impact the interaction with the other people, hence the system you are part of. Most important, we will explore your motivation and commitment to your own growth.
During the third phase – Develop a Plan, you will (re)define specific and measurable goals in the light of the increased awareness gained in the second phase. You will create a plan for achieving your goal; it is tailored as per your own learning style and needs. The plan contains the steps and resources needed, milestones and options of celebrating success or new skills you need to develop down the road. You will build structures to help you stay focused and on track during the implementation phase.
During the fourth phase – Create Change you will implement your plan, reflect upon the outcomes and get feedback from people who support you through your development journey. You will also reflect upon key-learnings and improvement opportunities. This is the moment of truth.
The fifth phase – Continue to Grow – gives you the opportunity to assess how far you’ve come since we started our coaching relationship. This is the last phase, when you evaluate the results. Evaluating results is also an ongoing process throughout our sessions – besides evaluating the overall outcome of the process, we will continuously assess the result of each step and track the progress towards your vision. This is the phase when new opportunities arise. Improving one area of your life has a positive “collateral” impact on other areas as well and you might decide you’d like to continue our partnership to achieve new goals. Regardless of whether we will continue to work together, your most important gain is your autonomy and feeling empowered to continue growing.
In a nuthshell, this coaching model defines how we work together in order to define your goals, discover who you are and find your own path to actualize your potential. It is all about you – there are your results, but also your commitment, motivation and effort. Our coaching relationship provides you the space to reflect and learn, it acts as a catalyst for change and facilitates your development. This is your journey to become the best version of yourself!